Chapter 20 - Recovery

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The car stopped abruptly outside the hospital. Alfred threw his door shut and raced up the stairs, his son following close behind him, placing the key to the car in his pocket. The sun was setting in the distance, leaving a stunning orange glow slightly breaking through the sheet of smoke that covered Small Heath. They had been driving all day, but they refused to let Florence be left on her own for any longer. The two men slowed their pace as they entered the hospital and walked toward the main desk.

The young, brunette woman at the desk glanced up and smiled at them. "How can I help you two?"

Alfred returned a slight smile and kept his voice calm. "My name is Alfred Masters and this is my son Gabriel—" he nodded in her direction "—Mrs Sarah King asked to see us."

The woman's eyes lit up as she nodded. "Yes, of course Mr Masters. Please just give me a moment and I will grab her." She smiled before she walked away. Alfred and Gabriel stood by the desk, anxiously waiting.

Their minds hadn't stopped running after they received the letter. Alfred had been so worried that Gabriel had to take over driving for the majority of the journey. Alfred's age combined with his injuries from war on top of the stress of what his daughter could be going through made him restless and unable to stop his hands from shaking. He couldn't lose her like he lost her mother.

"Alfred," a calming voice spoke through the fog of his mind. He turned to see Sarah standing before him, uniform clean and neat with a familiar warm smile on her face. She continued, "How good it is to see you."

The two shared a small hug, pecking each other on either cheek. "Yes, if only it were under better circumstances," Alfred said, smiling weakly.

"Agreed, but nevertheless this reunion is long overdue." She gave him a comforting smile, setting his anxieties slightly at ease. Sarah turned to Gabriel. "It's good to see you as well, Gabriel." She repeated the same actions she and Alfred greeted one another with.

The young man smiled. "I hope all is well with your family." His voice and body language was far more stable than his father's. "How is Florence?" He asked the question his father was unable to.

Sarah smiled solemnly. "Please, follow me into my office so we can talk privately."
The men did as they were told, following the senior nurse through the halls, passing by patients, nurses and other visitors. Sarah held the door open as they walked through and sat before her desk, their palms sweating. Gabriel placed a hand on his fathers shoulder, attempting to calm him down. Alfred looked toward him, his face relaxing slightly at his son's warm smile. The door shutting echoed through the room and Sarah sat behind her desk, pouring glasses of water for the three of them.

She started with a sigh before beginning. "As you know, Florence was involved in an incident which ended with her severely injured. The details of said incident and injuries were something I felt as though could not be discussed in a letter." She sipped her water. "As you also know, the Shelby's are a large part of the local crime wars between both other crime figureheads but also the police."

"So this is Arthur's fault?" Gabriel questioned, an unimpressed look on his face.

Sarah shook her head. "I believe it is Thomas who is now the recognised head of the family."

Gabriel chuckled darkly as he shook his head. Alfred took a deep breath and spoke before his son could say anything more, "How exactly did my daughter get involved if this is Thomas' war?"

"Your family has always been close with the Shelbys, correct?" They nodded their heads. "And since Florence's return, she has remained close with them. By doing that, she has become a target in the eyes of Thomas' enemies."

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