simple truths

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its been so easy to take someone for granted

to think that they'll always be there,

but when they're not you feel so betrayed

when you're the one who hurt them in the first place.

its been so easy to just think about me,

and never you but all I think about is us.

that isn't being selfless, its being selfish 

because all I ever think about is how I feel about you. 

its been so easy to misjudge any action that you've done

and overthink it until I've spun myself a web of doubt

with no escape. 

When in reality its just called dramatizing everything.

its been so easy to "love" something so hard 

that you start squeezing the life out of it, 

and soon there's nothing left to love because you killed it.

The solution to this is learning when to let go but not lose touch.

its been so easy fantasizing about what could be, 

and spending every second wishing myself away to you,

when instead I could be making the most of every second I got

and becoming someone that is worthy of being with you.

its been so easy unloading my problems or keeping them to myself,

but never asking about you even when it's been bothering me to.

And we even emphasize to each other that communication is important,

but we never say a thing.

and finally, its been so easy to say "I love you" and continue on,

but we don't stop and think about the seriousness of the phrase.

Like everything else so overused we say it without a moments thought,

when we should instead say something more meaningful and right.

These are just a few simple truths after a moment of introspection.

Imagine how many problems we could avoid if we just talked 

all this out and thought things out together instead of continuing on

like normal.

No need for an hour long philosophic talk about random things, 

Can't we just talk about the simple truths?

I want to hear from you, I've talked enough now. 

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