~ Chapter 18 ~

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"Good morning!" I said to Beth.

"Why so cheerful?" She said sassy.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"Hate those kind of people." She muttered under her breath.

"Ok what is the matter with you! I give and give trying to help but all you do is be rude! Why?" I yelled. I totally lost it.

"Why do you care so much? You think you can change me? Only I can do that and maybe I don't want to!" She yelled back.

"I don't even know w-!" I heard that sound in my voice. Father.

"You gonna finish or what?" She said.

"I-i gotta go. Don't steal anything. And I mean it!" I barged out of the room to my inspiration room. I needed to get my mind off of things.


"Let's see.. Oh this looks good." I grabbed some chicken in the fridge and heated it up.

Why did I tell him my name is Beth. No ones called me that in years. I was just so nervous I could barely spit out a word. I don't even know why I was so nervous. He was being really nice though.

I finished my thoughts as I got up and snuck around in his house. Wonder how I'm going to get back to the kitchen. I was very quiet walking around. I found some new clothes and found a bathing suit and put it on under my clothes. I wanted to go swimming sooner or later.

I walked outside and found the massive ship. "S.S Stampy" Why am I not surprised? I climbed on and took some cakes then ran back inside since it started to rain. I find Stampy in the Library. Next to a nice fire place cuddled up with a book. He seems relaxed. Way better than earlier. Ugh there's nothing to do! Umm let's look in his room! I ran upstairs and finally found his bedroom.

"Bingo!" I hacked into his ended chest and looked inside. Oooo a diary. Don't mind if I do. I look inside and read everything. All his stories and the terrible childhood. Then coming here and starting over. I kinda felt bad. I put the diary back and ran to find him in the kitchen. Good thing I found it, he was making lunch.

"This smells amazing!" I said taking in the scent.

"Thanks." He said harshly.

"Can I stay here a while?" I asked quickly.

"I don't know.." He trailed off. "I mean all you've done is cause trouble and I don't need that right now."

"O-ok I will just leave its fine." I got my stuff and hurried out of his house.

Hmm I could take all the supplies from that hut and build it somewhere else in this world.

I quickly grabbed an axe and cut all the wood. I put everything up in my bag and headed out the wrong way. I was going to live in this world just not where he is. I have no where else do go.

Now for the hard work to come next.

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