~ Chapter 10 ~

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"Ugh I just want to date Amy!" Squid said looking out of my balcony. We have been becoming really good friends.

"You should just ask her out!" I replied.

"I know I'm just so nervous!" Squid said shyly.

"Hey you will one day or she may just ask you out!" I said happily.

"Maybe.... Don't you wish a girl would just appear out of thin air?" Squid asked curiously.

"You bet ya!" I replied. Personally I just want to find that one girl that everyday when I wake up and see her I will always be happy.

"She will come one day Stamps." Squid said getting up. "I'm taking a nap."

"Ok I'll be somewhere." I replied.

I decided that I was going to go work on another mini game in my Fun-Land. I started walking over when I saw a brown bear heading that way. I started to walk a little faster when I realized who it was.


He was my best friend when we were kids. He moved. I never saw him again. Well until now of course because he's right there!

"Lee?? Is that you??" I yelled. He turned around and his eyes were as big as apples.

"No way!" He screamed out.

"It is you!" I yelled running to him.

"It's been forever!" Lee said happily.

"Ugh I know we gotta catch up!" I said still walking to the Fun-Land.

"Where are you going?" Lee questioned.

"To the Fun-Land over here." I replied quickly.

"Is this world yours?" Lee asked in amazement.

"Yep all mine." I said still dumbfounded that this world was now mine.

"That is sooooo cool!" Lee yelled. It was like he never changed. He just got taller and his voice deeper. It was like yesterday we were riding our bikes home.

"Yeah I know!" I said. "How did you get here anyway?" I asked curiously.

"Well I ran away.." He trailed off. " I was tired of that place anyway. How did you get here?" Lee asked.

"Well I ran away too." I said looking ahead.

"Why?" He asked.

"We can talk about it later." I said happily. "Race you to the Creeper Coaster!" I yelled getting a head start.

"Hey that's no fair!" He yelled.

"It's totally fair!" I said stopping at the entrance.

"You made this!" Lee said looking up the roller coaster.

"Yeah you like it?" I asked.

"Yeah!! This is so cool!" He said getting into a minecart. We rode the roller coaster and Lee was so happy. We finished out the day with lots of mini games. It was amazing to have my best friend back.

"Let's head to my house I will make dinner then we can catch up." I said starting to run back. We stopped at my door and I decided to just make fish.

"This is amazing!" Lee said.

"Thanks follow me there are some more people here we will meet them at dinner." I said rushing to the kitchen.

"Ok cool." Lee said following right behind me.

Hopefully they will become friends.

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