~ Chapter 4 ~

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~ TOM ~

"Hi" I said walking fast to catch up with Netty. We had just finished dinner and she seemed down so I went to talk to her.

"Hey Tomohawk." Netty said with a weak smile.

"You can call me Tom. Are you ok?" I knew the answer yet I still asked.

"Umm..I don't know." She seemed very confused.

"You wanna talk about it?" I asked quietly. "I get it if you don't want to."

"No I want to talk about it, anyway I want to know more about you." She blushed ugh she was so cute.

"Oh really know?Well I want to know more about you so how about we go to your room in about thirty minutes?" I questioned.

"Sure I will be in there so just knock." Netty said with a smile.

"See you then." I said walking away.

"See you then." She chuckled and walked into her room.

I walked back to the guest bedroom. I decided I was just going to make a house instead of staying in this small room with my stinky brother. So I grabbed an iron axe and started chopping. Before I new it I had tons of wood so I went and took a shower and knocked on Netty's door.

"Hi Tom!" She said so excited she looked even better, her hair was wet and curly, she was beautiful.

"Why are you so excited?" I asked putting my hand on my hip.

"Why can't I be excited?" She said with much more sass.

"Just askin." I said putting my hands up. She chuckled.

"Come in sit." She said and gestured inside. Her room was meant for her you could tell. A perfect purple with a white stripe going all the way around her room. Just enough space for all her stuff. Way better than my room that's all I'm going to say. I walked in and sat on her bed. Then she sat right next to me.

"Ok so tell me why you were so sad earlier." I said confused.

"Well I started thinking about well everything..." She stopped and started to choke up, "It's crazy, that someone would do that to, to their own flesh and blood. I still can't believe it." She now was sobbing and I pulled her into a big hug. I then saw a few cut marks on her wrists. I knew exactly what they were since my brother did it in grade school. That's why he always wore jackets and long sleeves shirts. He knew people would judge him. I knew why she wore jackets. I knew her secret. She looked into my eyes and saw I was looking at her wrists. She jumped up and put a jacket on.

"Go please..." She said still crying.

"No please I just want to talk." I said begging.

"Did you see?" She asked totally off subject.

"My brother did..." I said quietly, "He doesn't know I know so I don't" I winked at her. She chuckled and said back down.

"Why did he? He seems so happy..." She questioned.

"That's his super power.. He is really strong but words bring him down and hard,he was bullied in grade school. He'd come home everyday,run in his room and just sob for hours on end. When he stopped I could hear small screams. I knew exactly what he was doing. But I didn't say a word knowing if I did I would probably die. He started cutting again when he got his last girlfriend. She would always hit him, he could never bring the courage to hit her back, personality I know why, you just don't hit ladies. He broke up with her but she never went away. So he cut after two years clean now only two weeks." I said when a single tear ran down my cheek. "It's hard to see a person so strong be brought down so easily."

Netty then hugged me. I hugged back I loved it. We talked until eleven that night and we still had a bunch to talk about. I walked back to the room with the biggest smile on my face. Squid was up and looked at me with a confused face.

"Where have you been?" Squid said worried.

"No where.." I said trying to hide my smile.

"You think I believe you?" Squid replied.

"I was talking to Netty, no big deal." I said when my cheeks started to burn.

"Oh really.." Squid said then chuckled. "Well I'm going to bed night."

"Night." I said then drifted off to sleep dreaming about one thing.


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