At y/n place

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Colby saw Mj's house and is impressed by how it looks and how big it is, he said " I guess the club has been doing well...very". And They both sat down while having a drink, Mj told him what she had accomplished within the last five years ever since- but she stop there. Colby was waiting for the rest but nothing just loud silence.She just manage to change the conversation, but he then tells you about him. He talked about how ever since 5 years ago he couldn't remember so much, and felt something was missing which made him depressed easily but tried to move on especially since nobody was willing to help him remember and always said he's better off missing those parts.
That put a new perspective on what was happening and more than ever she wanted say something, but nope nothing. Once you both were done you showed him the guest bedroom which was right across your room, she handed him a towel. And told him "Btw , your gonna have to use my bathroom since the guest one is getting fixed" He said "Thank you, and I know this is wired to ask but do you happen to have any extra shirts like for men? because mine got some liquid spilled on it" And ironically enough she did... one that was his. She replied with a nervous yes and hand it to him. He look at it and says how he once had one like that but never found out what had happened to it. She was setting her pjs ready and room. As she was taking off the dress you had on the sipper got stuck. She tried everything but it just couldn't. So Mj knock on the bathroom door and asked "Hey Colby?" In a shy voice "I'm sorry and I didn't want to have to ask but, can you please help my unzip my dress? It got stuck" he says "yea, sure you can come in just close your eyes ok" as he was laughing. She walked in get infront of the shower to that he could reach. She felt his wet cold hands touch her hair moving it to the side revealing her neck and back back giving her mad butterflies and flashbacks as he unzipped her dress slowly. Colby didn't want to be inappropriate because he couldn't help but admire your natural beauty. He finally unzipped it and mentioned how beautiful she was without makeup.She looked up and turned to look at his eyes telling him thank you but for some reason she couldn't walk away, you looked at eachother for awhile but slowly they both slowly got closer to eachother. Mj dropped her dress on the floor completely revealing her body, she got in the shower with him, and he began to put his arms on her back, held her close and kissed her. She leaned on his chest as he kissed her neck. Then everything began to escalate even more, his hand began to caress her back ever so gently has he continued to admire ever detail on her body. As he was doing that she ran her hands trough his soft wet hair, but slowly going down to his cheeks to caress them as well as staring deeply into his dreamy ocean eyes.
Something was just so driven but she just couldn't, so she touched his cheek one more time and told him she cant, and just stepped out.
She got out and got ready to sleep but in that moment she broke down and dropped to the floor. Colby came out of the shower but saw her crying he was worried and stopped for a second and realized maybe she wanted privacy and walked away. Boy was he falling for Mj and so hard and just wanted to be with her but he had to go back to LA in 2 days. So that was the end of the day and she wrote on her notebook about the whole experience.

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