Urges and emotions

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Mj's POV: she opened her eyes to feel a burst of emotions.Her words felt imprisoned because certain things could just never say. But all she could also think about was the moment in the shower, how nice it felt and that sense of comfort and love all at once. People really don't lie when they talk about intrusive thoughts, all those urges you know hold. Everything was absolutely overwhelming so once again she proceeded to cry.
Colbys POV: He hadn't slept all night thinking about what to say about what happened or if it should even be brought up. All he now wanted was to feel that connection spark once again for the first time in years. But as Colby was gonna leave he heard Mj cry . He was extremely worried about her so he decided to have a stay. He talked to her and asked if she had any plans.
It was still early and the club was closed so she had nothing to do, so she said " I guess I don't, and you should go". He said " but I don't want to leave you, I need help and advice so maybe you can help with that... but once you say yes there is no blackout". then she answered in an un sure way "ummm ok... I will help you".
What he needed help with was , filming a video he told her. Mj had no option but she knew she couldn't be in the public eye especially after trying to vanish. The only option left was to ask if he could at least hide her identity, which he was ok with.
She hopped in the your convertible and dove all the way to this abandoned building, more specifically art museum. He said he did his research on the place and how it still has sculptures and stuff in other parts that are closed off. He explained how it just caught his attention on his way to the club because of the familiarity the place brought.
  There it was again, a trip down memory lane. It worried you if remaking theses memories would trigger something from those hidden memories.

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