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Mj's POV
That was it she said to herself , that's the end of our story. So angry at herself for allowing to get attached especially with everything that she subconsciously and consciously knew and sill wet ahead to fall in love all over again. It's whatever right, I mean she was sure he would move on really quick. Anyways it was time to go to work so she went to distract yourself from the sadness of it all.
And when she got to the bar she stood at the corner where Colby once sat and founded over the moments you had with him, and it was simply beautiful. In a way it was really worth it because it brought some comfort so it was finally time to move on and continue the usual.
Colby's POV
Colby got on the plane and nearly missed it but made it just in time. He sat at his seat and just kept thinking about the trip and Mj and how he wishes this wasn't by forever. And that was basically most of the flight.
When he got home he saw Sam and gave him a huge hug and talked.

Sam-"hey how was the trip?"
Colby- "it was amazing ".
Sam- "did you get arrested again" *jokingly*
Colby- *laughs* "no thankfully, but I met a girl and she was just amazing ".
(Tells him all about it but doesn't mention name)
Sam- " I'm sorry that happened but I'm glad you still had fun, stuff happen for a reason and it's just the way you deal with it that is important".
Colby - "yea I guess your right".

He proceeded to walk in his room to edit the vide he filmed. Seeming you made it hurt he wished you were there by his side, seeing Mj's gorgeous face and he just doesn't know what to do. It really was a pain, maybe they not meant to be and didn't know how to feel with it, I mean he promised. He was very thankful too but in a way regrets it because it left more of a void. In that moment Sam walked.

Sam- "Hey Colby, what do-" *sam sees the screen and looked closer in a heart dropping way*
Sam- "what was her name you said? And you went to Puerto Rico right?"
Colby - (says it in a confused way) "Mj?...and yea..."
Sam- *said it all in a fast anxious way* "I was just wondering by she seemed cool, tell me all about it later yk like everything... after we eat and you finish editing".

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