CHAPTER 2: The One, The Prom

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"Two days left until the prom!" Lucas said it instead of "Good Morning."

"None of my business anyway."I said to him.

"Why? You should dress up well no matter you have a date or not, to make yourself confident and pretty, and get a boy to take you home."

"You know the take-me-home thing won't happened here," I said." we have walk-you-home thing though."

Lucas closed the locker door and looked at me, "You have to dress up for the prom, for such a special day."

I exhaled," Nothing will happen, I don't even have a target."

Lucas rolled his eyes," Then dress up to attract one!"

Then he walked away.

Why he insisted that I should dress up?

-HE IS THE ONE? (Hashtag WTF)

That idea suddenly boomed in my head, but that's impossible, the relationship between me and Lucas isn't like that.

Look, Lucas is popular, you can see tons of girls "acting normal" when he walks by, and I'm not important for everyone, the only reason people remember me is because I'm good at drama( the kind that you have to perform on stage) and I speak in public well.

The relationship between me and Lucas was an accident.

He wants someone be friend and treat him as a normal person but not a popular hot guy, and in fact I'm the only one who can do so. And when I got the idea of breaking up with my boyfriend, I want some guy-advises, and he suddenly appeared then we became, like, friends.

There's no way for Lucas having a crush or even love me...He just wants someone to treat him normally, and I'm just the one who can do so. 


Well, as least he didn't ask me for prom? 

"He's not the one, yeah, maybe." I thought.


Tomorrow will be the prom, and no one ask me to go with him, or her...

The idea of Lucas is that guy really annoys me, logically he shouldn't be that guy, but a little part of me still wants to believe that HE IS THE ONE. You know, he's really nice. The point is, he didn't ask me for the prom, and it disappointed me.

Why I'm feeling disappointed?

Because I like him (not THAT way maybe), and I don't want someone tell me that note and box of chocolate was just a joke on me.

Oh god I'm so lost. Just let me know who is he, PLEASE.

While I was sitting on my bed thinking of this, my phone rang.



For the first time in forever, god finally hear me.

"Friendly reminder: He may not ask you for prom." My mind told me this.

I picked up anyway.

"Hey." I said, god I sound so awful.

"Hey..." and Lucas sounds so nervous.

"So...What's going on?" WHY I'M SAYING THINGS LIKE THIS?

"Um...Just...maybe we could hang out to the prom together?" He said carefully, afraid of rejection.

Wait, PROM. PROM? PROM!!!!!!! He (finally) asked me for prom!!!!!!!!

I gasped. "Yeah, great, sure." I said it like my brain could never make a sentence.

"Um...That's great. Pick you up tomorrow at six in the evening? At your front door?"

"Okay, see you tomorrow at six." I said as I smiled, and that smile is definitely too big for my face.

HE ASK ME FOR PROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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