Ender love • Zane

601 12 2

Once again I got rid of the outfit


{Reader key}
Y/n- Your name
N/n- Nickname
S/c- Skin colour
E/c- Eye colour
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H/l- Hair length
F/c- Favourite colour
F/a- Favourite animal
F/f- Favourite flower
P/n- Pet name

I sighed in relief as I wiped the sweat of my head then stood up putting my hands on my hips. Finally my home or base? If that's what you call it in the over world was done I had built it all by myself block by block.

Now your probably wondering what a ender person was doing in the over world and not in the end, but hey some ender people live in the over world. But I moved here cause I was mistreated in the end by the others just cause I was as small as the humans and not as tall as everyone else. It wasn't far and they wouldn't shut up about it so I moved to the over world with permission from the EnderDragon herself! She was very nice and never made fun of me for my hight.

The portal was still at the bottom floor of my base though,but I didn't mind I would destroy it when I'm ready. "Finally" I said as I teleported around on top of my base "my home or uhm base! Yeah that's what they call it here my base! Is ready" I stated.

Then I saw something from the corner of my eye, I turned and saw an eye? "What the?! What was that?!" I said as the eye dropped down to the ground. "Oh! Was that an eye of ender? I think i've heard of that before," I said lowering my voice while sitting down leaning over the edge.

But then.. I heard something, I teleported up higher to make sure it wasn't close and to be able to see whatever it was. I looked down and saw two humans? Both with similar colour clothing, they were both speaking gibberish unless..it was how they talked?

They seemed confused,looking around at each other and up and down my base 'should I say something?' I thought while still looking down at them. One of them seemed to have spotted me and started to raise his voice while the other followed after. This is my chance! "H3//0 hvm4ñs!" (To them your speaking ender language so if you can't read it lemme help ;]) "hello humans!"

"¡ th¡ñk" "I think" they kept saying gibberish at least, well I'm mean I'm pretty sure they were..maybe. Then something came at me "what is that!" I said a little shocked but when it landed on the roof I noticed with was a red block. 'Oh silly humans they just have dropped this!' I thought as I began to speak again "oh don't worry! Here I'll get you your block" as I said that I picked up the block.

They kept saying gibberish but I still went down and placed it beside them "h3r3 y0v g0!" "Here you go!" I said smiling as I teleported back to my tower. The started to say gibberish faster while running around the I noticed the block was getting bigger and bigger intill "BOOM" A loud bang was heard from the block as it disappeared along with some of the ground around it and the humans.

(They ran away but still got hurt by the explosion)

"Your welcome!" I said waving over to the small hole in the ground. "I wonder if I'll see other humans here!" I wondered as I turned around having my body on the roof my arms beside my head while staring at the sky above. Even though I always see stars they were still pretty to look at I closed my eyes and got ready to sleep.


The sleep was peaceful till a bright light hit my face causing me to wake up. "GAH!" I shouted as I fell from my roof and quickly teleported on the balcony. I looked around and saw how bright everything was, it was also a bit warm which was weird but also kinda nice.

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