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𝗜 first invitation

felix woke up around midnight, he takes few blinks and roam his hand around the bed to search for his phone. his hand landed to something cold and soft — he squeezes it lightly — causing it to move. he then move his hand up and touch something plump. a hum suddenly pulls his hand back, he was surpised. a sleepy voice ask, "felix, what are you doing?"

the called man could feel his cheeks warm, he doesn't know what he just grabbed but pretty sure it's changbin. he say quietly, "s-sorry. i'm searching for my phone."

changbin then lazily moves, he gets his phone and turn it on. he then gave it to felix to help him search for his phone. felix thankfully take it and turn the flashlight on to search the bedroom. he first check changbin who's facing the other way, giving him a chance to check his bare back. looks like changbin is too tired to mind him.

he decided to get up; his head started to hit. he grab it and try to stay in his position. he just woke up and then suddenly getting up especially during late midnight is not it. it's like having hangover.

flashback of what him and changbin did yesterday came to him. he bit his lower lip and take a peek on his lower part, he blushed because he is fully naked. they sure did it many times to the point he quickly have fallen asleep after the last round. he quickly puts the blanket down and continue to search for his phone, their clothes are scattered on the floor.

he carefully get off the bed to not wake up changbin. he sneakily walks and flash the room. he get his underwear and wear it, and then pick up their clothes. a random used condom have dropped when he grab his shirt, he quickly pick it up out of embarrassment. he also found his phone in his jean's pocket. he opens it and check for messages. some of them are his friends, but he decided to just turn his phone off and place down all the stuff he was carrying beside the bed. he gotten back on the bed, laying beside changbin and try to get back to sleep.

changbin moves to face him, his arms landed to hug him. felix did so too and gave the older a peck in the head, earning a sleepy, soft hum. changbin ask dryly, "why searching for your phone so early?"

"incase of missed calls," felix answered.

changbin then loosen himself off felix to face him. he ask, "you gonna call them back at this hour?"

"no, i'm just weird— i dont know." felix doesn't really know what to say. he just scratch his nape, "also sorry for sleeping first."

"heh, no worries. i was also tired to move but i still manage to get my boxer." changbin continue, "whatever. let's go back to sleep."

"yeah, okay."


the professor aggressively writes down the lessons to review, he did a loud tap on his chalk when he finished. he then face his students, "alright. review all these because it'll be in the exam."

the students seem to be not glad, their shoulders drop and face looks stressed before they could start their review lessons. felix just wrote those down while saeri took picture with her phone, usually lazy to write it down. after that, the professor left.

saeri then scoffs, "ugh! this sucks, i'm supposed to hangout with hyunjin in the weekend."

felix was amused, "it wasn't that long you gotten his number."

"ugh, yeah?" saeri said with sarcasm. she dramatically flip her hair, "yet we never hung out."

felix just shook his head with a grin, he fixes his notes. saeri eyed him, "what happened between you and changbin?"


saeri smirked and nosily gotten close. she continue with mischievous nosy tone, "heard you exchange address since both of you know where each other lives."

felix scratch his cheek with his index, his eyes slowly avert to avoid eye contact with her. he hesitantly respond, "i-i don't know what 'you tryna say, saeri."

she rose an eyebrow, moving away and cross her arms in disbelief. it seems like the young woman is more interested in other people's lives than her study, how troublesome. she huff, "alright then. we're no longer friends, but just classmates."

before felix could protest, saeri pull out her phone and act like nothing happened. he had no choice but to push a smile, i guess there's no escaping a nosy friend. he'll tell her later or maybe text her about it.


break time, saeri and felix are walking down the hall to go to the canteen. while walking, someone randomly bump to him. an unfamiliar boy bow his head slightly, "sorry."

before he could respond, the boy already waddles away. it seems like he's in a rush. in disbelief mannner, "waa~ i never seen him before."

saeri said. felix just shrug and continue his way, she following him after.

in loud canteen, all four of them are eating in the table. as usual, saeri and chan are talking nonstop. changbin is now sitting beside him while he eats silently. felix started by asking the shorter, "wanna study together after school?"

changbin faces him with wide eyes, it's the first time the younger invites him first. it somehow made him happy, he slightly smile. he answer, "no."

"eh? why not?" felix is unaware he was pouting. at this moment, he looks like a sad puppy who can't go on walks because of his owner. changbin grins, "i'm kidding. study at your place?"

felix then scratch his nape, he is hesitant because minho and jisung will be there for sure. but what could go wrong for just studying, right?

felix shrug then nod, "yeah. i'll send the address or you wanna go together?"

"going together is easier," changbin said. saeri and chan were silently listening to their conversation, they didn't even realise they became quiet to just be nosy. felix giving them a face to cut it out. the childhood friends then quickly act like they didn't just nosily listen to the two's conversation. chan sipping his drink — saeri tryna make a conversation for both of them — avoiding eye contact.

changbin just shook his head because of that. he place his hand on top of felix for him to look. even though changbin isn't the type to be studious, he don't wanna turn down an invitation especially when it's from the younger. he say, "let's go study after school."

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