c h a p t e r 3

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  For a few seconds our pinky fingers stayed interlocked. From a distant, I heard cars zooming in the streets and I suddenly remembered my mother. I sighed. "I'm in big trouble."

  Harry briefly stared at the ground and then leaned down to pick a dry leaf. Playing with it, he asked, "How come?"

  "Well—" I started but was suddenly cut off by my phone ringing in my bag. "This is why," I answered, irritated because I thought it was going to be my mother calling me for the ninth time this day. But then I was faced by  Charlene's number on the screen. I looked at Harry.

  "I need to take this call," I told him. "Wait a minute."

  "Sure, go ahead." He smiled and stood up, putting his hands in his jeans' pockets before slowly walking away, his back facing me. I couldn't help watching his curls bounce by his shoulders as I pressed the button to accept Charlene's call. "Hey."

  It seemed like no one was on the other line until I heard her sobbing. "Tanya," Charlene's voice  cracked.

  "What, Charlene, are you alright? Why are you crying?" My eyebrows furrowed as I asked her. "What happened?"

  There was nothing but faint sobs and I let her do so before she replied, "It's Andre, I just... we..."

  Hearing that, I already knew what had happened or at least had an idea. I stood up from the swing. "Oh no," I whispered. "I'll come over to your place right now, okay?" I clutched my bag on my shoulder.

  Charlene exhaled. "Please?" I could see her in her room as she said this to me. I was suddenly angry. I knew this was bound to happen anytime soon and it was happening now. That guy better not show his face while I'm around.

  "I'll be there as fast as I can. Hang on." I ended the call and started walking before I remembered Harry who was nowhere near. I was already near the streets when I found him, leaning on a tree on one side of his shoulders. He seemed to be texting someone. I walked towards him until he noticed me.

  "Hey," his deep voice sent a faint shiver down my spine or maybe it was just the night breeze. He seemed to notice that and asked me if I wanted to get out of this place. "I know you're sick of cafés and all that, I know this place where we can go and it's actually quite amazing."

  "I actually have to go now," I told him.

  "Oh, alright." He looked down and smiled before saying, "Let me give you a ride."

  "Yeah," I started. "I have a car."

 Harry laughed. "You don't trust me, do you?" He asked.

  I was shocked. "What? You don't believe I have a car?  Listen, it's not because I don't trust you. Well, it's mostly not because of it but I may just be working in a silly café but that doesn't mean I can't own a car." I started to walk again, not eager to keep this conversation going.

  "Wait," Harry said as he started to walk as well. "Okay, that was very lame of me to ask but I didn't mean it to be degrading. Can I at least escort you until you get to your car?"

  I sighed.

  "Come on," he nudged my shoulder with his lightly. I looked at him and his green eyes looked as if it was shining in the evening. He grinned.

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes before I smiled back at him. "Alright." I crossed my arms as we walked.

  We were already far from where we made our promise and as the traffic noise became louder. Harry said, "You know, when I was kind of exploring before I found you sitting on that swing, I was actually feeling like I was being pulled towards it. I don't know, I mean, I'm not a big fan of destiny and all that stuff but I couldn't quite explain what happened."

  It took me some time to take in what he just said. "Yeah?" I was quite thankful that it was dark already or he might have seen that my cheeks were probably flushed. "Well, I guess there's just something about that place. When I first got there, I think I already knew that it was old," I said jokingly.

  Harry giggled, "That's not such a nice way to describe a place."

  "I don't think so," I said. "But I think I get what you're saying, I find that place special even though it's a bit run-down."

  "Yeah, me too." Harry stopped and I realized that we were already standing by the sidewalk and just a few meters away, was my car.

  "So that's my ride," I announced, pointing to it.

  "It is."

  The air blew hard all of a sudden and I found myself looking at Harry's face which was now partially covered by his own curls. I laughed. "Oh, you're a mess."

  "Am I?" He asked as he kept himself from laughing. He quickly set his curls aside with his hand. We stood there for a minute as he tried to keep his hair from covering his face.

  "I better go now," I beamed at him, still finding how hilarious it was watching him fix his hair.


 "Well, bye." I start to walk away from Harry, turning around to look at him ever so slightly. He smiles waving his hand at me as I raise my hand to also wave goodbye at him.

  Arriving inside my car, I start to take the wheel seeing Harry at the side of the road. I grin once again mouthing him a 'bye', him returning a genuine smile as he nods and starts to walk away.

  I then start to drive to my best friend's home, his words replaying in my head.

 "... before I found you sitting on that swing, I was actually feeling like I was being pulled towards it. I don't know, I mean, I'm not a big fan of destiny and all that stuff but I couldn't quite explain what happened."



omfg guys please don't kill me for not updating for ages a lot of things has apparently been happening to my freaking life and to our fandom i don't want to type 'em all out though, it would probably take too many pages. plus, our internet got cut off so i'm sorry, actually, blame the one who cut it for no reason.

annddd, my sister helped me write this chapter sooo let's all give her a round of applause. -claps-  so guys, what do ya think of this? :) write 'em out 

and please dooo:

-add to library

all the love. z. 

wtf. okay. goodbye lovelies. xx

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