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I'm Semiha Mihrisah Sultan, third child of Hafsa Sultan and Sultan Mehmed Khan. I was born to a big family, I had 2 brothers, Sultan Osman and late Sehzade Mustafa who was from a different mother and 4 sisters, Esmeray, Raziye, Sah and Reyhan.

I was really happy as a child, I grew up in a Topkapi palace and everything was peaceful and happy. I used to play with my brothers and sisters every single day, I loved myself and people around me, I was a joyful person. Until one day... My mother wanted to marry me off at the age of 18.

I was married to Omar Mustafa Pasha who was 15 years older than me. That day was the day of my funeral. I hated everyone and everything, that was the day I became the fire itself.

I came to my celebration party and left the palace in total tears. I swore I'll never touch that man in my life. I lived in Egypt with my husband and I wasn't prepared for anything...

It turned out Omar was a maniac, an alcoholic jerk who only cares about himself

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It turned out Omar was a maniac, an alcoholic jerk who only cares about himself. We agreed to sleep in separate beds. I was happy for a while... Of course I didn't have any children since I was too young and Omar didn't want them too. We lived like that for a three years straight...

But Omar started to get abusive. He would yell at me, pin me onto the wall and one day he even slapped me.

I was so afraid for my life. I didn't know what to do. I cried myself ti sleep every single night while I was with him. I felt like I was burning in the worse hell fires, that was the lowest point of my life.

And that day I've decided I've had enough of his behavior.

I choked him in his sleep with a pillow and paid doctors to say that he had a heart attack just in the case. I wrote the letter to my family saying he died and how sad I was.

My mother immediately wanted me to come and live in the imperial again and I didn't hesitate to accept her offer.

The door of my carriage opened, I was at the capital, my real home. couldn't believe I was really there.

,,Attention! Her imperial majesty Semiha Sultan Hazretreli!" The same agha yelled making everyone there bow down

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,,Attention! Her imperial majesty Semiha Sultan Hazretreli!" The same agha yelled making everyone there bow down.

,,Sultanim, we'll take care of your stuff, you're free to go to the palace." A man said bowing.

I nodded restfully and started walking towards the palace.

,,Semiha, my beautiful daughter." Mother said while I was kissing her hand.

,,Validam, I missed you so much." I said before she pulled me into a hug.

,,I hope your doing alright, I know how it's like to lose your beloved." She comforted me. Little did she know...

,,I'm doing alright, the wound in my heart has healed already." I said.

,,Esmeray, sister!" I hugged my sister tightly and she hugged me back even tighter.

,,Samiha... sister..." She whispered hugging me.

,,Raziye!" I moved towards Raziye and hugged her too.

,,Semiha... I hope everything's okay with you, I know how you fee because I lost my husband a few months ago too, if you heard." She sighed. Her husband was a 3rd Vizier but he was executed by my brother's order. Raziye loved him very dearly and I knew she went thorough hell when she lost him.

,,It is, don't worry." I replied to her.

,,Sah, Reyhan! You've both grown since I last saw you." I said smiling pulling each one of them in hug.

,,Welcome, Sultanim." Gulnaz, my brothers favorite said shyly looking at the floor.

,,Thank you, Gulnaz. How are my nephew and niece doing?" I asked with a smile on my face. I didn't really like her but I respected her at least.

,,They're both doing good, and they really miss you Sultanim." She replied softly.

,,MashAllah, I can't wait to see them." I said smiling. Suddenly the maid opened the door and came inside.

,,Valide Sultanim." She bowed down.

,,Speak Melek." Valide said.

,,His Majesty's in his room and he would like to see Semiha Sultan." She said. My brother... I couldn't wait to see him.

,,Hunkarum." I bowed down to my brother after entering his chamber.

,,Semiha, my beautiful sister." He extended me his hand and I kissed it.

,,I missed you so much." I said as I hugged him.

,,I missed you to, Semiham... I hope everything's alright in your life." He said.

,,It is, I miss Pasha a lot, but I'm doing much better compared to a past week." I sighed silently as he let off me.

,,The maids will show you your room now and I want you to rest, you must be so tired." He said  holding my hands in his.

After I rested in my room, I changed my clothes and jewelry and went to Valide's room where Gulnaz and all my sisters were

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After I rested in my room, I changed my clothes and jewelry and went to Valide's room where Gulnaz and all my sisters were.

,,Esmeray, why didn't you bring your daughter Baharnaz here?" I asked Esmeray.

,,She would just tire you, sister, she's been really naughty lately." Esmeray said. Baharnaz was my little niece, daughter of Esmeray and her husband, grand vizier Ferhat Pasha.

,,Bring her next time." I smiled.

,,Did I forgot to mention that we'll marry Reyhan and Sah off really soon?" Mother asked. I was quite surprised and happy for them.

,,You didn't, I'm so happy for you two!" I said with a soft smile.

,,You didn't, I'm so happy for you two!" I said with a soft smile

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,,Thank you, sister. We're both exited but Valide still didn't chose a husband for us." Sah said funnily, and we bursted into giggles.

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