Pt 6

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We come back the next day and are handed our work out clothes I was handed number 21. Then we where told to got to or separate locker rooms all the girls go in the one assigned to us. We walk in and put them on all of us had on the same red tank top  shirt and blue shorts. We here then told to run around the circle and to not stop. We also had to do minute sprints then burpee's. And I do CrossFit and have never thrown up during a workout until then it was bad I won't go into much detail. After class was over where where given tows and told to go take a shower. All of us girls had to share one shower. Most of the girls where popular do they all went first I was last because I wouldn't even talk at first after we took showers we put our towels in the laundry basket then went home.

Hay guys sorry for not updating lately I have been busy with karate I'm trying to get first in state and I'm super close and I have a tournament on Saturday so wish me luck. Good morning/or night have a great day.

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