Pt 7

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So basically the first week and a half go the same until they finally decided to teach us a move called a double leg so we are told to partner up with people close to our weight. So there is this popular girl and she walks overt to me and asks me to be her partner. So after we found our partners we where to told to gather around the big circle we sit and coach Olive tells Racer and Noah to demonstrate a double leg so they show us and we are told to go take turns shooting on each other so me and Shia have problems because every time we hit the ground we would laugh and stand back up so coach walks by and has us show him and says we picked it up quite quickly and to do ten more each the we could go shower so we did and then took a shower.

Sorry it's been so long I have been really busy with karate I am currently first in state at karate tho so I'm going to stay pretty busy.

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