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Hi! My apologies for not starting out with a real chapter, but I feel there are some things that must be cleared up beforehand.

I'm an overexcited, easily-distracted writer.

By that I mean, I start something and get distracted easily and have trouble finishing it, hence why I have like . . . eight or so incomplete stories.

But this is something I intend to see through.

However, I cannot promise regular updates. I'm only human, I've got school, a social life, a family, a book I'm writing, other stories I'm working on, etc.

If you see any grammar or spelling mistakes, feel free to point it out in the comments (NICELY PLEASE, NOT ASKING FOR BULLYING OR RUDE REMARKS). I take constructive criticism very well, and your feedback is greatly appreciated. I really do like it when you guys politely point out typos and save me from further embarrassment:)

I will not tolerate racism, homophobia, transphobia, religion-shaming, belief-shaming, body-shaming, anti-Semitic remarks, sexism or any other disrespectful opinions that are forced upon others. I don't want politics to be discussed either. Bring these to my comment sections and I will report and block you.

I respond to comments, and I love you all like my family. Message me if you need someone to talk to, I'll be here. If you don't want me replying to your comments, let me know, I won't take it personally.

I will put trigger warnings at the beginning of each chapter. If I miss something and you find something offensive or triggering, do not hesitate to reach out. This is important. I want this story to be enjoyable. I will not put a warning for cursing, as there will be cursing throughout.

While I still will put individual chapter warnings for this, I am giving you a general heads-up now: THERE WILL BE SUBSTANCE ABUSE. Not in every chapter, but I am planning on having one character go through the phases of attempting sobriety. The 70s-90s was an unfortunate time in which substance abuse and addiction were serious issues, and I will riff off of that a little.

There are mentions of abuse, death, illegal activities, mental illness and alcoholic consumption. This is not meant to glamorize, idealize or romanticize any of these topics, but rather to bring attention to what people have and still do suffer from.

I have faith in my readers and trust them enough to hope they won't permit their life to be influenced by the immoral acts characters preform in this story. Please do not prove me wrong.

Do not tell me I am objectifying, creepily sexualizing or fetishizing the LGBTQ+ community. Writing fics that ship homosexual couples is not fetishizing the fact that they are gay.

Don't ship it, don't read it.

I absolutely adore the author of All of Me: A Jily Love Story, annonymousswriterr. If the plots in this fic and their fic seem to line up or the writing is similar, this is why. This is me openly stating that I do not claim their work as my own, I only change it up a bit. This is my source, and because I give them the credit, THIS IS NOT PLAGIARISM. DEAR WATTPAD, I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT PLAGIARISM. Of course, not everything I write belongs to annonymousswriterr, and I write with my own ideas as well.

P.S. I totally recommend that fic for any Jily shippers, it's incredible.

Harry Potter is a relatively kid-friendly story. This is not exactly that. Reader discretion is advised (14+).

The story is going to take a while to hit its climax. If you don't like that, leave now please (it's disheartening to lose readers after I'm well into the story:/). I want to actually show off the dynamic of their friendship before we get into anything else.

PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE IF YOU CAN! Ghost readers make me sad:( (but if you can't comment for whatever reason I respect that and am thankful for your reads anyways:)

NO LOVE TRIANGLES. God, I fucking hate love triangles.

Ships in this book:
Glee (obviously)
Fred x Angelina (only for a year or so)
George x Angelina
Percy x Penelope (only for a little bit)
Katie x undecided character
Angelina x undecided character
Remadora (sorry, but this is canon:/)


I have not seen any good fics for this ship yet (if you find any, tag me), and I intend to make one. Whatever it takes.

I am not going to be hating on Hermione or Ginny in this fic, we love and stan these queens. I understand if you don't like them, but please don't hate on them in the comments. Also, this is according to the books for Ginny's character (movie Ginny was not it).

This is cannon. It takes place from their 5th to two years after they graduate (they're nineteen at that time). Battle of Hogwarts is included.

Note: Percy's not going to be a total asshole in this, as this story is not from Harry's POV, and we'll get to see what Percy was really like behind the scenes.

I might make a sequel to this, but I'm not gonna plan that far ahead just yet.

Note: I generally refer to everyone with 'babes' 'love' 'sweetheart' 'honey' 'babe' etc. If it makes you uncomfortable, please let me know!

Alright, I think that's it! Love you!💕

- The Indian ♊️Gemini♊️

Worst Prank Ever: A Glee Story (George Weasley x Lee Jordan)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя