Platform 9 3/4; The Feast

103 5 9

CW: Mentions of death


   "Alright, son. Guess this is it, then," Mr. Jordan stated unnecessarily, as he clapped Lee on the back.

   "Guess so," Lee retorted, his hands resting lightly on his trolley. He smiled at his father, and met Mr. Jordan's warm, brown eyes. Mr. Jordan held his gaze. The two stayed like that for a while; finally, Mr. Jordan gestured for Lee to come closer.

"Come on, boy, don't be a stranger. Hug your dad."

   Lee would not admit it, but there were tears of parting lining his eyes. He didn't understand how others could say goodbye to their parents so easily. His father was easily his favorite person in the world.

   He gave a watery chuckle and sniffled slightly, before surging forward to envelop his father in a bone-crushing hug. Lee only reached his father's chest, but Mr. Jordan returned the hug, pulling Lee onto his tiptoes as he squeezed the young boy gently. Lee blinked away the tears.

   "I love you. Get into some trouble for me." Mr. Jordan winked, pulling away.

   "Yessir!" Lee mock saluted him. Mr. Jordan returned the favor, and Lee's face split into a wide grin. "Love you too, dad."

"Alright, boy. Get on now. I'll write to you once a month, yeah?"
"Once a month is good."
"Okay. And pass your owl . . . Owls- owls? Is it owls?"

   Lee laughed. "Technically, it's O.W.Ls, but essentially, yeah, owls works. I'll pass them with good marks, dad. Don't worry."

   Mr. Jordan shook his head, a proud smile on his face. "I wasn't worried."

   Lee turned to face the maroon train, his heart thumping in excitement at the thought of seeing the twins and the girls again. He took a step forward, but his father stopped him with a firm hand on his shoulder.

   Lee felt a wave of sad nostalgia and felt his heart sink. Then he forced it to feel warm again. He hated how the depressing feelings would swoop in, ready to react to the slightest thing.

   He turned to face his father, blinking away the image of the mahogany casket being lowered. Mr. Jordan met Lee's brown eyes hesitantly. The former's expression was solemn, and Lee waited in nervous anticipation. Mr. Jordan's eyes softened. It was evident he was remembering something.

   "Lee," he whispered. "Your mum would- she would be proud of you. Okay?"

   Lee forced a small smile onto his face. His heart thudded. Lee's mother was a topic that was, essentially, voodoo. The two Jordans avoided it like the plague.

"I know." Lee took a deep breath. "Bye, dad."


   Lee turned away, making a beeline to the train. He lifted his trunk off the cart with much effort; the substantial brown case was incredibly hard to lift.

   Fred and George could have lifted this, he thought wistfully, wishing the twins were here.

   He dragged his trunk to the first compartment he saw, not caring enough to look for the others. His mind was still plagued with the discussion of his mother.

   "Oh god," he whispered under his breath as he sat down, rubbing his temples. He did not want to feel like this when he saw his friends.

   "Shit," he muttered, dropping his head into his hands. His head was pounding as he tried not to let the tears that had come back fall. When they had come, he did not know. He tried and failed to swallow the lump in his throat.

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