Editor Hands (inspired by the editing room in the K-drama 'Our Beloved Summer')

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Having a well renowned video editor for a Husband had always been fun until this past month. Tae had been married to Jungkook for five years. They got together after a tense period of denying feelings, misunderstandings and awkwardness and after four years of being boyfriends, they ran off and had a quick civil ceremony wedding while on holiday in Las Vegas. They were spontaneous and their relationship was a happy place for both of them.

Tae loved his job as the manager of a hotel, it was stressful but he got to meet new people every day and the hotel had a great reputation. It was frustrating at times when he had a run of late shifts and he was climbing into bed as Jungkook was getting up for work but they always made sure they spent a few days of quality time together after that.

Jungkook's job could also be stressful and when you're at the top of your game, there are tight deadlines and days spent holed up in the editing room at work. He's had his name on the credits of some award winning dramas and is very good at what he does. That's why, for the last month, he's been working for almost 24 hours a day on an up and coming documentary and his sheer determination to get it finished before the deadline means more time in the editing room than at home.

Tae is a needy guy. He loves his husband more than anything and can so easily feel bereft when they aren't together. He craves affection and in the last month he's felt like he's being punished for a severely bad thing. He has surprised Jungkook with a packed meal a few times, he actually likes the editing room because it is private and small. Last week he steered the situation towards a long make out session before leaving his husband to his work... but that was nowhere near enough.

With the deadline nearing, he had a plan but needed to know how close Jungkook was to finishing because he would never distract him from an important job. He had the utmost respect for his husband and that took priority, even if he was desperate to be fucked. That was one element of their relationship that had been like a drug to them both... their sex life was exemplorary. They were a switch couple and on the occasions where they both had time, their sex marathons left them both aching and exhausted in the most amazing way possible. They could read each other well and the other was more than happy to oblige when he knew that his Husband needed taking care of... which is precisely where Tae was at right now.

Tae's plan starts with a visit to his husband at work. He needs to test the waters and see where he's at with the assignment he has. He's packed up a lunch and heads over to the building where Jungkook is based. He greets all the staff and makes his way up a few floors in the elevator to the floor where the company is. There are a whole load of editing rooms on the floor but Jungkook is always in the same one. The wooden door with the small square window in it has his initials and the number 123 on it. When he's really busy and not wanting to be disturbed there's a chrome plate on the door that he can slide across to say 'do not disturb' and a small blind he can pull down to cover the window. This stops his team leader from interrupting him so he can check progress so far which is always his way of slipping in the next job or adding more to the one in hand. Sometimes, even when Jungkook just needs a ten minute break, the sign and blind have been a godsend, especially when another member of his team informs him that the team leader is looking for him.

Tae peers through the window and can see his Husband busy at work. There is something incredibly sexy about the way Jungkook guides the mouse with his hand... Tae knows that it is thoughts like that, that emphasise his need. That's when he knows things are bad.

He knocks on the door and enters the room. His husband is sitting at a beech desk on the right hand side of the small room. On top of the desk are four screens with various editing equipment laid out. Tae doesn't know what any of it does but since he accidentally pressed a button one evening when he had Jungkook bent over the desk, he daren't touch anything.

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