Chapter 3: Bracelet Bananza

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I'm back!!!! I'm super excited about this chapter! Dinners seem to be the best part of the Madrigal family's day! ALSO, Y/N is finally going to meet Camilo too! YAY!!!!!! 

I follow Dolores downstairs to what I assume is their dining area. Dolores grabs a plate and some food and I do the same. We sit down along the side of the table and the rest of her family sits down too, except a woman who I assume to be her Abuela. 

"We have a guest for dinner today, this young girl," she says as she gestures to me and sits down.

"Hi!" the girl across from me says. She has short, dark, curly brow hair and green glasses. "I'm Mirabel!"

I smile back awkwardly. She the one family member with no gift, but something about her just lets you know she's special.

"So, what is your name?" Mirabel asks.

"" I'm not quite sure how to respond to her question.

"She doesn't remember," Felix explains for me. "She doesn't remember anything..."

"Oh..." says Mirabel. "Well, I'm sure I can help you figure it out after dinner," she says. 

"Is she staying with us?" a tall girl with a colorful dress asks Abuela. 

"As of right now, yes." She responds and smiles at me.

"Great!" Mirabel shouts. "You can stay with me in my room!" she says. Her personality is definitely out there, but I have a feeling we are going to be great friends.

Everyone else at the table introduces themselves to me. Isabela is the girl in the colorful dress. Luisa is the tall and extremely buff girl sitting on Isabela's left. Antonio is sitting on the opposite side of me and he is so adorable! As I expected, the woman with the storm cloud is Pepa, and Agustin is the clumsy man sitting next to Julieta. Bruno is sitting to Mirabel's left and is a strange, but weirdly funny man. They all introduce themselves kindly, except the final boy. He narrowed his eyes at me across the table and whispered something to Mirabel who was sitting next to him. 

"I'm Camilo," he says in a suspicious tone. I force a smile at him. I can already tell he doesn't trust me. Whatever, I have nothing to hide, and I don't really care what he thinks. I just want to figure out what happened to me and get back to my normal life. 

As soon as everyone had finished eating and put their utensils down, Mirabel jumps up, grabs my arm, and practically dragged me upstairs.

"Dinner was amazing Mama!" she called. "I'm going to get Miss Nameless here settled in my room," she called to her family as she dragged me up the stairs.

She brings me to her room and begins to gather up pillows and a blanket. 

"I'm super excited to have a girl my age here! Casita, can you bring up some more pillows?" Mirabel says. All of a sudden, the door swings open and the floor moves a bunch of pillows and blankets!

Wow, Dolores told me about the moving house, but this is really amazing! 

"Okay, I'll set you up a cozy little cove on the couch, if that's okay with you?" she asks. 

"Yeah, it's fine...thank you," I reply.

"SHE SPEAKS!!!!" Mirabel exclaims. "I was starting to think that you didn't talk."

"Well, I'm just kinda confused about...everything," I say.

"I'll bet," Mirabel replies, "So, you really don't remember anything?"

"Nope, nothing. I woke up on a forest floor in the middle of nowhere with no memory of anything. I saw a old path and followed it here, and once I was in the town Dolores brought me back here."

"Well, maybe I can help you figure out your name first. Did you bring anything with you?" Mirabel asks.

"Nope, just the clothes on my back,"

"Check your pockets, maybe you'll find a clue."

I was still wearing the old, grimy clothes from before. I turned my skirt pockets inside out, but there was nothing. 

"Hmm...wait," Mirabel says and grabs my arm. I have A TON of bracelets on my wrists. 

"Well, I guess I'm one of those bracelet fanatics," I laugh.

"Yep, but maybe that's a good thing, look!" she says as she points to a specific bracelet. It is engraved with a name. 

"Y/N," I whisper.

"Y/N must be your name! It is so pretty!" Mirabel exclaims. "Can I call you Y/N/N?" (your nickname)

I smile, "Of course, Mira,"

"Boom, first Y/N/N mystery down! Only a handful more to go!" Mirabel says. 

I laugh, "Let's hope those mysteries are as easy to figure out as this one."

"Anyways," Mirabel says, "Your clothes look like they have been through the ringer. You can wear some of mine until I can make you some of your own."

"Really? Thank you!" I reply.

We spend the rest of the afternoon talking until we go to bed. 

However, as Mirabel's soft snores fill the room, I just keep tossing and turning, confused on what happened to me and how I lost my memory. 

Welp, I'm going to go grab a glass of water. Maybe a little movement will help calm my mind down.

I head down to the kitchen quietly and grab a glass of water. I hear light footsteps come up behind me.

"What are you doing down here so late?"

Cliff hanger! Though, its probably easy to guess who asked that so...not really a cliff hanger. I'm hoping to update tomorrow so, please keep reading this story! <3

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