What Happens On a Camp Doesn't Always Stay On a Camp

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They made us go on a hike together. Our group is trailing behind, and the sun is glaring down, making everyone less enthusiastic about a roughly four kilometer walk there, and then another four back.

We talk a lot on the walk because we manage to stay in front most of the time, which lets us get to know each other. I find out he wants to get to know his crush, but he's scared. I don't try to pry, because I understand his want for privacy. As we talk, I slowly inch closer so that we can feel each other's presences.

I look back and see our group is far behind. I hear muffled yelling, meaning I have time. This is my chance. I grab his hand and squeeze it. He looks confused. I break the tense eye contact and let go of his hand. Immediately pressing on, I feel my eyes burn. Ignoring the embarrassment, I walk ahead of him, feeling his gaze on my back.

We reach the area that we are needed in, at the edge of the dam. We complete the activity quicker than we expected and move swiftly onward. The next activity is a simple game that we complete easily and we are now rushing to get to the main camp. On the way back, we bring up the rear.

He matches my pace and we walk in silence. He reaches out his hand and extends his pinky finger. I accept his offer without a word, linking our fingers and connecting us in a more meaningful way. He stops suddenly, pulling me close. "You know I really like you right? You're the one I want to get to know." I blink at him. It clicks in my brain and I pull him into a loving embrace. I feel him place a soft kiss to my head.

We hold hands the rest of the way back, and our team is the first one back. We eat and head to our cabins. In the cabin I immediately pull him in for another hug. He wraps his arms around me and sways us slowly. We change into more comfortable clothing and head out for the final meeting of the camp.

After all the teams arrive and we end the evening off, we head to the cabin. In a silent agreement, he comes to my sleeping bag and joins me, our roommates understanding the unspoken bond. He lies with me, holding me close as we drift off to sleep together for the first time.

The next morning I wake up to him playing with my hair. He kisses my forehead and we get ready to go home. When the rest of our cabin wakes up, we briefly explain the situation, and they seem satisfied.

We climb on the bus and sit side by side. He holds my hand and I rest my head on his shoulder because we crave the closeness of the other. We get off the bus and go our separate ways. Over the next few weeks we exchange little conversation and barely interact. Then we snap.

We are walking to the arts classes together, by chance. I grab his collar and pull him to the bathroom. I press my lips to his and hold myself close in his chest. I choke back a sob and realize how much I've missed him. I hear him whisper apologies and press kisses into my forehead. In his apologies I hear his tears, and my heart breaks. We just hold each other for a few moments, after which I whisper softly, "I love you."

He gasps softly, and pulls me close, mumbling about how much he loves me. I grin into his chest. He grabs my cheeks and kisses me again, then he pauses. "We still have class." Our daze breaks and we fix one another's uniforms, sharing another final peck on the lips and dash towards our classes, our lives changed once more.

After the period ends, we meet up again and discuss what we want our relationship to become. We settle on boyfriends. We're both giggling like children, but we really are happy. We smile at each other and I ask the big question. Who do we tell.

Nobody outright gets told, but my friends can tell something is going on between us when I sit between his legs at break and his friends already suspect something. None of them care. Life could not be better...

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