I Wanna Dance with Somebody

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Late night calls and text message conversations stretching late into the night, long after everything goes dark. I relish in this experience. He makes it worth it. Talking to him is a breath of fresh air and sometimes talking to him is all that keeps me going.

It's the complete opposite in person. It's as though we aren't close. He barely acknowledges me and he makes me feel like a dirty secret. Only in front of other people though. If there's ever a moment when we are alone he apologises for ignoring me and holds me as repentance. I can't stay mad at him when he's like this.

Our conversations in the night make me happy. We talk about everything. My favorite topic is dancing on the rooftops. I think it's implied that I want to do it with him, but finally I ask the big question.

"When can we see each other and do this?"

He answers by asking for my address. I think nothing of it but when he hangs up after learning my address I feel hurt. Why would he ditch me like that? I hang around on social media, waiting for my faavourite notification - his - to pop up. It doesn't.

Randomly, as I'm about to go to sleep, I hear a knock at my window. Curious, I look outside and see him standing there, looking guilty. He gives a little wave and I just open the window.

Once he's inside I hug him, giving a dry sob of relief that he's okay. All he says is "Can we go to the roof?" I take him up.

Once there, he pulls out a speaker and plays "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" by Whitney Houston. It's very cheesy but it fits with the moment. He grabs me and pulls me close, holding me to his chest. He rocks us side to side, whispering the lyrics to me. As the song ends he pulls back and looks into my eyes.

"I wanna dance."

He wipes the tears that are forming in my eyes. I know where this is going.

"I wanna dance with you. I want to be that somebody who loves you."

I wrap my arms around him and cry into his chest. He holds me close and plays the song again. He sings to me, pressing kisses into my forehead whenever there's a pause in the song.

Gently, he sits us down on the roof, me next to him, laying against him. He has his arm around me, holding me close. I'm no longer sobbing but my tears are still flowing. They start flowing more after I look up and realise what he's doing. He's stargazing with me because he knows it's something I wanted to do with him.

I can't help it. I sit up, pulling him with me. I look into his eyes and glance at his lips. We both know what we want. I take hold of his face and press his lips to mine in an instant of passion. Sparks fly and I feel a deeper connection. I feel tied to him.

He kisses me again, softly, lovingly. I stand up and lead him back to my bedroom. I pull him onto my bed, under the covers. I giggle at the irony of the situation. This is the first time he's been in my room and he's climbing in bed with me. I pull him close as we lie in bed, making sure I'm as close to him as possible, I need him.

We lie there and we just revel in the night's events. We found each other. I feel sleep pulling at me, and I fight it to stay with him. Before I fall asleep I make sure to whisper to him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

so... I'm updating again
I wrote this one a while ago I just didn't want to publish it immediately and so I forgot to..
however I really like it and it's a bit more personal so I hope you enjoyed it :]

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