Daisy chains

17 1 0

We're sitting on a picnic blanket underneath a willow tree. He knows I love willows, so he planned around that. He pulls me into his side and lays us back. I push my arm underneath him and nestle deeper into him, basking in the moment. I look up at him and then past his body. I see a patch of daisies and immediately grin.

He looks down, feeling me giggling. He looks confused but understands when I jump up and pull him to the small patch. I sit us down and start picking the prettiest flowers. Once I deem the collection big enough I sit across from him and start looping them together.

He understands what I'm doing and passes me the blossoms as I work. I finish the flower crown with all the flowers and place it on his head. "A pretty crown for my pretty prince!" I exclaim. He rolls his eyes and get up. I follow behind him and see him walking to another patch of flowers, this one by a rose bush. He instructs me to make another crown, but only using flowers he chooses. I oblige, and begin my work. I notice he chooses slowly, and gives me roses and daisies mixed together.

He hands me the final flower and I pass him the completed circlet. He places the crown gently on my head and pulls me into an embrace. He presses a kiss to my forehead and says, "A beautiful crown for my beautiful baby."

I blush deeply, flustered. He brings us back to the blanket and we continue our picnic, complimenting each other in our flower crowns. As the day ends, we pack up the scene, and put the supplies back in the car. He then links our pinky fingers and walks back out to underneath the willow tree. The sunset reflects on the water and we stand there in silence, linked. He pulls my hand to his face and kisses it.

"You know I love you, right?"


I know this one is shorter but I'm still proud of it. It's got cute vibes and it's mine so haha I win >:D

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