6. Rewards and Liars

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A/N: Sorry for taking for EVER to update. School has been insane. Summer's almost here, hopefully I'll have more time to focus on this story. Thanks for reading guys :)

"Just move!" Torben's voice boomed. The guard stepped out of Virginia's way. She rushed into the bathroom, her hand clamped over her mouth. Her entire body was screaming at her, the incisions that ran the length of her abdomen were having trouble weaving themselves together. She threw herself down on the floor by the toilet and proceeded to retch up blood.

"I have my gun, I'll be okay," Torben's voice floated above the noise she was making. She gasped for air between spewing blood. The door closed, blocking out the blinding whiteness of her cell. His hand was on her back, rubbing in circles gently, "Just try to breathe."

"Breathe," she hissed sarcastically. She bent back over the toilet and began throwing up blood again. She tried to make herself believe that it wasn't her own blood. She tried to pretend that she had drank someone and it was their blood.

"Jesus Christ," Torben said as he watched her, "What can I do?" Virginia sucked in a breath as the pain subsided for a moment.

"Get over there and stay like a good little soldier," she snapped. He backed away from her slowly.

"Are those?"

"Fangs? Yes."

"But you. You're Lycan."

"I'm actually," she paused swallowing bile down, "a hybrid." Her stomach rolled again and she bent back over the toilet. She let out a screech as some of the incisions reopened. She pressed her hand against them, trying to help them bond to each other. Cornelius had played with her insides today, and given her some sort of serum. The effect on her was throwing up blood. She couldn't imagine what he was doing to everyone else.

"That changes-" Torben started.

"Nothing," Virginia finished between pained breaths. He gave her a nod and sat back against the wall.

Virginia vaguely registered voices and blurry shapes in her vision. She didn't know when she had passed out, but she assumed it had been a while.

"Let's just leave her there. Moving her when she's in this state could be dangerous for everyone." There was a voice murmuring something, "No. I've got her. She's pretty light. I'm not going to move her until she can support some of her own weight." She tried blinking her eyes hard, this gave her a little clarity. She tried to focus on the object in front of her, it was Torben's leg. He was standing with his back to her, knowing she could wake up at any moment. She smiled at this, he trusted her. The door slammed hard, the noise bounced around her head.

"Arghhh," she groaned as she curled into the fetal position and covered her ears. Torben's face filled her field of vision, his hands pulled at her wrists.

"...feeling better?" She registered the last part of the sentence.

"I feel like I shot in the head with a torpedo," she said to him. He chuckled and grabbed her under her armpits.

"Come on," he said. He lifted her up and with minimal help from her, walked her into the shower, "Here, hold onto this for a second." He guided her hands to the handicap pole bolted into the wall. He stripped his armor off. He set it down on the floor, away from the shower. He stepped forward, he was left in black cargo pants and a black t shirt. Her legs were like jello, barely holding her up. He grabbed her again and reached to turn the water on.

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