13. Then There are Things that Break You

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"Please," Virginia's voice cracked, "Please don't make me do this. Please." Olivia let the tears stream down her face. Her heart pounded in her chest. Kaleb's hand tightened around her neck, holding her more firmly in place.

"You have to choose," Cornelius told her mother. Virginia dug her hands into her hair. She screamed as she pulled outward. Olivia was more than slightly disturbed with the amount of loose hair in her hands.

"Please, baby, put her down. Kaleb," she pleaded as she stared at him. Olivia squeaked as the knife moved an inch farther into her. She knew that if it pierced her heart she wouldn't live to see tomorrow. Her mother knew that too.

"Choose," Kaleb's voice was wrong. Olivia's skin crawled at the sound of it.

"Please, please," Virginia fell to her knees crying.

"Five, four, three," Cornelius counted down, "two." Virginia let out a heart breaking sob.

"One," Kaleb said. He pushed the knife farther into Olivia. She screamed as it moved for her heart. She closed her eyes, trying to find the strength to accept what was about to happen. She found some resolve in the fact that Dean wouldn't have to experience her death in any other way than normal grieving. The knife was withdrawn from her side and she was thrown across the room. She landed with a hard thud in the corner of the room. Her hand shot up to the wound in her side, it was already starting to weave itself together.

"Stop!" Virginia's voice rang out. Olivia jumped hard at the alpha power behind that order. Kaleb paused to look at her, his head cocked to the side. Olivia swore for a moment that it was actually him behind those eyes, not whatever brainwashed monster Cornelius had created.

"He doesn't belong to you now. You can't control him. Kaleb, please proceed," Cornelius' voice said over the speaker. Kaleb ripped his arm away from Virginia's grasp and threw her against the nearest wall. Her body hit the concrete wall so hard it indented. Olivia pushed herself as far into the corner as she could as Kaleb advanced on her. He was about a foot away from her when her mother tackled him from the side. They both went flying, the knife clattered to the ground at Olivia's feet. She scrambled to grab it before Kaleb could come back for it. Virginia dashed over to Olivia and crouched defensively in front of her. Kaleb shook himself as he stood, the muscles beneath his skin rippled.

"Kaleb," Virginia called to him, her voice was soothing, "My Muraco."

"Hey!" Cornelius' voice shot like daggers from the speaker, "Do not turn Kaleb!" Kaleb's body shuddered as he forced it to obey Cornelius' orders. Olivia noticed that blood was dripping from her mother, she couldn't see from where though.

"She has the knife," Kaleb's voice sounded annoyed.

"Then choke the life from her! I don't care how you kill her, just do it. Make sure you leave Virginia alive. I want her to suffer all eternity knowing that her mate killed her only child." Virginia snarled at the speaker.

"Kaleb, you don't have to do this," she pleaded with him as he advanced.

"Yes sir," he answered as he ignored Virginia's pleas. She rose to her feet, shielding more of Olivia, also trying to level the playing field. Kaleb landed a blow to her face before she could defend herself. It knocked her sideways, he turned and planted his foot in her abdomen. The kick sent her flying at least six feet. He followed her, instead of turning his attention to Olivia. Olivia tried to will her body to heal faster. Kaleb kicked Virginia a few more times until she landed with her back up against the far wall. He reached down and picked her up by her neck. Her feet dangled beneath her. She struggled and wound up landing a solid kick to his balls. He dropped her and bent over, cupping himself. She brought her knee up into his face, sending him flying backwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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