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The air in the dojo bore the weighty fragrance of polished wood and the sharp tang of metal from the array of weapons. Perhaps, if you hadn't fled during one of your sword classes or intentionally left your family sword behind, you could have avoided confronting the formidable figure of your grandfather—the patriarch of the Asakura Clan. Naturally, he was well-informed; his subordinate, who had been spying on you, likely divulged every detail.

That's precisely why you found yourself compelled to search for the sword before returning.

The traditional tatami mat beneath you seemed to tremble in anticipation. Your hands trembled as you deliberately placed the ancestral sword—passed down through generations—carelessly against a wall. The act was a silent protest against the suffocating expectations that loomed over you, a rebellious streak that yearned for freedom from the rigid training and your grandfather's disdain.

The door slid open with a deliberate slowness, revealing the imposing figure of your Grandfather and his subordinates along with your father. His eyes, sharp as the blade you had just left unguarded, glared at yours with a mixture of disappointment and fury.

"You dare disrespect the honor of the Asakura Clan!" His voice thundered through the dojo.

Before you could respond, the crack of his palm echoed through the room. The force of the slap sent you reeling, both physically and emotionally. The sting on your cheek paled in comparison to the pain of rejection from the one who should have been your family.

"Father!" your guardian shouted at the head of Asakura Clan, not accepting the fact that his only daughter got beaten by his own father.

In the intricate tapestry of family secrets and strained relationships, the truth bore heavy on your shoulders. Your grandfather's disdain ran deep, rooted in the tragic demise of your mother, an individual deemed unfit for the prestigious Asakura Clan. The disdain culminated in a heinous act that forever altered the course of your life.

The memory of that fateful night haunted you, a night when the whispers of the wind carried the weight of betrayal. Your mother, seen as an interloper by the Head of the Asakura Clan, paid the ultimate price for daring to be with your father.

He always hated you. You knew that.

A confidante once revealed to you. The truth unfolded like a dark tapestry, exposing the malicious intentions that had led to your mother's demise.

Your father, adamant in his protest against the arranged marriages his father tried to impose, made a solemn vow. He swore to keep you as the sole heir, refusing to bring another woman into his life. It was a calculated move, a desperate bid to save you from the fate that befell your mother.

You are spared only to preserve the Asakura bloodline. A reluctant heir born of necessity.

The unspoken words echoed in the quiet moments, a reminder that your existence, though secured, was marred by the darkness of family politics.

In this complex fate, you became a living testament to the compromises your father made to protect you. The silent agreement to force the Head of Asakura to accept you was a fragile thread holding the lineage together, ensuring that the Asakura bloodline would endure despite the fractures within the family.

The words escaped from the great head of Asakura Clan managed to snap you back.

"You are unworthy of this legacy," he declared, his voice cold and unforgiving.

"Send that rascal to Yashiori Island!" he demanded next.

"Father, please. She's too young for this, she's barely 14 years old! Yashiori is too perilous for her!" your father pleaded.

News of your act of rebellion reached your father's ears, of course. That's why he's here to help you from dealing his father's wrath. He torn between loyalty to his daughter and deference to his father, pleaded for understanding. But Grandfather Asakura's decision was unyielding—to send you to Yashiori Island for rigorous training.

Within heated exchange, your father argued against it, expressing concern for the dangers of the island not suitable for a child like you.

However, Grandfather Asakura, unmoved by paternal worries, insisted that you should be banished by going to Yashiori and experience hardship. It was your punishment.

"My decision is absolute. If you care that much about the girl, you should accompany her." your grandfather sternly spoke.


"Dad, I want to sincerely apologize for my actions. Running away and misplacing the sword was a mistake, and I deeply regret it," you expressed with a gentle tone and teary eyes in front of your beloved parent.

"It's alright, Y/N. I take responsibility for not realizing the strain the training put on you. You must have been exhausted," your father reassured, acknowledging the challenges you faced. Though you remained silent, a wave of remorse for your father's efforts washed over you, tears streaming down your cheek.

"Dad, I'm scared," you admitted vulnerably. Without hesitation, your father enveloped you in a comforting embrace.

"Fear not. Daddy will stand by your side on Yashiori Island. We'll face everything together, alright? This will be a respite from Granddad's sternness," he said with genuine cheerfulness.

A warm smile graced your face, appreciating your good fortune to have such a supportive father by your side.

If anything, it was your father who served as the unwavering anchor, the sole force preventing you from succumbing to despair.

The following morning, Thoma, standing beneath the sakura tree where he had promised to meet the girl, discovered a letter on the ground.

'Dear Thoma,

I apologize; it appears that our meeting is postponed. The rebellious act I displayed yesterday has resulted in some consequences. Nevertheless, I propose we plan for our next encounter, that if only I manage to survive in the coming years.

Sincerely, Y/N.'

"Survive in the coming years?" he frowned, perplexed by the cryptic message. As the sole heir to the Asakura Clan, it seemed illogical that the clan wouldn't ensure your safety adequately. Thoma pondered, questioning whether the princess was playing with him or if there was a deeper, more significant meaning concealed within your words.

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