A meeting interrupted

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As Odin droned on, Loki noticed a tightening between his legs, his cock inexplicably hardening. Soft fingers traced up and down his length, the ghost of Annalise's tentative first strokes.

"Little One, what are you doing?" He sensed her excitement as he opened their telepathic link.

"Practicing," she giggled in response. "Can you feel it?"

"Like your hands are truly wrapped around me. But I am in a Security Council meeting, now is not the time."

She ignored his comment and carried on for a few moments, before he felt the welcoming warmth of her tongue against his tip.

"Annalise, stop." He growled.

"No, I'm practicing." She simulated the sensation of licking up and down his length so convincingly he had to check she wasn't actually hiding under the table.

"Stop, Annalise. Now isn't the time." He pressed his hand over his cock to try and dull the sensation, but could still feel her magic working beneath his palm.

He stood in a rush. "My Lords, excuse me," flustered and painfully aroused, he swept out of the Council Chamber to confused glances and an angry glare from Odin himself.

Storming through the door into their chambers, he picked Annalise up with one hand and pushed her roughly against the wall. "This isn't a game Little One. When I say stop, I mean it."

She giggled and grabbed at his other hand, raising it to her lips for a soft kiss. "I thought you'd be happy, I got you out of that boring meeting didn't I?"

He pulled her hands off him, pinning them to the wall. "No Annalise, your games meant that I had to leave an important meeting that, as Prince of the realm, I have a responsibility to attend." He began to tear her dress from her body. "Not to mention, I don't respond well to being teased."

He ghosted his lips along her neck and brought his face level with hers as she tried to reach out to kiss him, before forcing her onto her knees. "Now finished what you started," he ordered, trapping her between the wall and his throbbing cock.

She took him slowly into her mouth, stopping to swirl her tongue around his tip. He let out a deep groan and pressed forward, leaning his forearms against the wall above her. She looked up at him helplessly, eyes wide in shock as he forced himself further towards the back of her throat. Her lips stretched wide around him as she adjusted to this new position, hands uselessly pressing against his thighs. He smiled at the sight, rocking his hips to press deeper and satisfy his need.

Caging her completely with his lower body, he fucked her throat roughly, coming quickly as a result of her teasing. He withdrew his cock quickly and pulled her to her feet. She giggled as he threw her down on the bed.

"This isn't a game," he barked at her.

"It feels like it," she smirked.

He glared at her as she wriggled away. Delivering a stinging slap to her ass, he flipped her onto her back and bound her wrists together tightly. Securing her to the headboard, he wrapped his seidr around her body, dampening her magical abilities before he turned to leave.

"I will deal with you later. I have a meeting to get back to."

He returned some hours later to find her napping, exactly as he'd left her; hands bound, body exposed and nipples pointing firmly up at the ceiling. She woke as he lifted the spell, smiling softly as she spotted him standing by the bed.

"You have no reason to be smiling after today's antics," he said sternly.

"But aren't you proud of what I've mastered?" She pouted.

Agent A x Loki Laufeyson: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now