II. the silence

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Silence. That's all that was heard in whole keep of Winterfell. You're probably asking yourself right now "why?". Why once lively and busy Winterfell suddenly fell into silence. It is because lady Lyarra Stark died after giving birth to 5th and last of the Stark children. People are deeply saddened and touched by the loss of their beloved lady. But no one is taking it worse than the warden of the North himself. He lost his wife, his love, the mother of his children.

'How can he now live with himself?'. He kept thinking in his head. When the maester walked out of this dreadful room to inform him that he had another healthy son, he was overjoyed. Only to be crushed in the next few seconds when he's been told that Lyarra is not in the best condition. Once he entered the chamber, he saw his wife laying on bed. Her skin was very pale. The bed was full of blood. She motioned for him to come closer. And he did what he was bid.

He walked closer to the woman. He noticed her sweaty forehead and how messy her hair was. But to him she was still the most beautiful person he has ever seen in his entire life. Rickard sat down next to his love and looked at the babe in her arms.

"He's beautiful." Whispered Lyarra. She could feel herself growing weaker and weaker with every passing minute. She knew her time on this world was coming to an end. "Rickard. My love. Please promise me you'll take care of him and the rest of our children" her voice was barely heard in the quiet chamber. She looked at her husband and saw his eyes are tearing up. "What are you saying? You will get through that. You will be alright and you will be here and see our children grow up. My love, just hold on." Rickard has been saying. He couldn't believe that he is losing her. She can't die. She just can't. "Rickard. My time is up my dear. I love you so much. And tell my children that I love them too." She whispered while stroking his cheek lovingly but weakly. "I love you. I love you. I love you." Her husband has been saying again and again. "I'll always be with you."

And with those words she took her last breath. That day Westeros lost an amazing woman and mother. Many who knew her all around the world entered a period of mourning after hearing of her death. Rickard turned cold. He became more stern and more hostile than he was before. His only soft spot were his children. Especially Anastasia and Lyanna as they were his little girls. He decided that no one will ever hurt them and that they won't share the fate of their mother. He will do anything in his power to prevent it. Even if he will die, his children will have the best life possible.

A/N: Hi beautiful people! I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I had very stressful exams and I couldn't find it in myself to write anything. Also no Anastasia or her siblings in this chapter, but I hope it will give you, dear readers, a closer look into Rickards character.

Also a question for the readers:

Who is your favourite Game of Thrones character?

Mine is probably Robb Stark or Oberyn Martell

See you in next chapter! ;)

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