III. the decision

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It's been 4 years since the death of the lady of the North. Rickard never remarried, even though it was suggested to him by his advisors. When he first heard the idea, he lashed out and wanted to take the head of the person that dared to even to propose the thought. His wife was the love of his life. He could never even think to replace her.

At the courtyard there can be heard laughter of young children. It's the young lords and ladies of Winterfell playing around after escaping their lessons. The five siblings were thick as thieves, always causing mischief wherever they go.

“You won't catch me Ana!” Yelled 9 name days old Brandon to his younger sister. The girl in question started to run at him attempting to knock him over. Although she was only a year younger, she managed to grab a part of his doublet which eventually made both children loose their balance and land on the ground. “I caught you Brannie.” Said Anastasia with a laugh. In the background they could hear giggles coming from the rest of the siblings.

“Me too! Catch me Ana!” Said Lyanna who was 5 name days old while running towards her elder sister. The youngest pup Benjen ran behind her almost tripping over a rock. Ned decided to approach slowly. He was definitely the most calm out of the children. Although he loved to spend time with his siblings, he also appreciated to spend some time alone. The two youngest Starks tackled Bran and Ana making them fall over again.

“Children.” Rickard came out of the entrance of the keep. “Arent you supposed to be at your lessons?” He lifted one brow up as he questioned them. The children just smiled sheepishly as him “Brandon. Eddard. The Maester Walys is already waiting for you. Benjen your nurse is looking for you everywhere. The same goes for your septa Anastasia, Lyanna. Off you go. Now.”

The children knew better than to stand up to their father so they did as they were bid. Inside the castle they had to split was. The boys went to the maester’s tower while the girls continued to walk straight to the room where their lessons were held. “I hate lessons with septa. She's a bore and makes us do embroidery. I dont like it. I would rather fight with a sword like Bran and Ned do.” Complained Lyanna. She despised everything that a lady is supposed to do. Anastasia chuckled at her younger sister. “So do I Lya. Sadly that's how the world is. Men want us to be obedient and do as we are told. But you and me are not someone they can order around. One day we will fight with swords and be the best at it. I swear this to you. “ She said to comfort her sister. And just then they walked into their lesson.

*later that afternoon*

The Starks all sit in the hall while servants brought them food. Rickard decided to make them all eat together since he has some news to break. Lyanna and Brandon were bickering. Anastasia was laughing at them with Ned while Ben was devouring the chicken laid in front of him. “I have some announcement to make.” Said the Lord of Winterfell and looked over each of this children. “I decided upon fostering Brandon, Ned and Ana.” As soon as these words left his lips, there could be protests heard across the chamber.


“Why would you do that?”

“No! I dont want them to go!”

“Please father.”

“That's enough. It has already been set. Brandon will go to Barrowtown. Ned shall foster at the Eyrie as I agreed with Lord Jon Arryn.” Rickard glared at his children who all fell quiet. “And Anastasia shall go to Highgarden. The Lady Olenna Tyrell would take her under her wing” After that statement there was only silence heard in the hall.

“You will be all heading there in a fortnight. Pack your stuff and do not bring shame to our name.” With saying that, he turned and left the children to themselves.

None of them knew what to think. Soon the pack will be split for the time being. Wolves are not meant to be on their own. That's all they knew for sure.

A/N:  Hi dearest readers. I've been absent from here for a while now. That's because I've been very busy with my upcoming finals in May. Now I've decided to come back and start to write again :).

See you in the next chapter! ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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