Freddy: Chapter 1

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The doors open and I stumble out of Freddy's dressing room closet. The carpet catches my fall and I push myself off the floor before two steel animatronic claws hold my shoulders tight and spin me around.

"There you are!"

As I compose myself, I catch Freddy's stare, his glowing eyes peering right through me. The sharp contrast of his bright eyes against the dim lighting of his dressing room catch me by surprise, and causes me to hold his gaze.

"What are you doing over here all by yourself, Superstar? The Pizzaplex closed hours ago!"

Freddy begins to scan me, his grip firm against my sides, and the scanner hums and whirs. I grimace and squint when the scanner moves over my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I replied, "I lost track of time and the gates closed before I could reach them! And with Vanessa patrolling, I didn't feel safe out there. I didn't know where else to go... so I just.. came over here."

The scan moves down my lips and a deep, disgruntled "Hm" escapes Freddy's voicebox.

The scanner continues down my chest, and it lets out a high-pitched beep when it reaches my wrist. Freddy notices my fazwatch and his expression softens. Gently, he lets go of my shoulders.

"Downloading personal data."

His arms rest down by his sides. I jolt and let out a gasp when my fazwatch pings and vibrates. Freddy stands upright and remains still, no longer looking at me but staring silently forward. Unsure of what to do, I awkwardly place my hands against the closet's doors behind me to steady myself. I wouldn't want to lose balance and fall... again. I think about the last thing Freddy said.

Downloading personal data...

What could that mean?

"Freddy?" I call out, in a voice that is softer than I had anticipated. He doesn't reply.

I cautiously step a bit closer, conflicted on whether to run or stay. My heart rate quickens until I hear it deep in my ears.

Damn it!! He caught me!

Freddy caught me in his dressing room after closing, and he didn't seem pleased about it either. What if he leads me straight to Vanessa?

Shit. The last thing I want is to be cornered with her again. Something about her is just... off. Freddy is unresponsive. I should escape now, while I can still make a break for it. Yeah. Now's my chance.

I glance to my right and spot the door that leads out. I look back at Freddy, still motionless, and I return to look at my exit. My foot turns in the same direction and I prepare to run. Run.



But I hesitate.
I'm not even sure where I would go. Freddy's is the best place I could be right now. Plus, he's the animatronic that I trust the most. Roxy hates my guts, Monty wants to tear me apart, and Chica... well... I'm afraid she might mistake my red shirt for pizza sauce. In that case I'm doomed regardless.

No. If anybody's going to keep me safe until morning, it's Freddy. I'll stay here with him, for now, while he finishes... whatever it is he's doing. And if it comes down to it, I'm prepared to out-run him just like the rest.

Please, Freddy...

I calmly let out a breath and study Freddy's room for the first time. The red walls are dimly lit by the blue hue of his neon lightning-bolt signs, and his endearing posters and plushies give me a sense of comfort. I wonder which of his posters is his favorite, or if he adores them all equally. The thought pulls at the corners of my mouth.

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