Alone & Clueless/Necessary Information [OLD]

127 3 3

TW: Mild Swearing, Acts of Violence

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That's all Ciel felt when he regained consciousness.

He sat up, looking around only to see an unfamiliar forest surrounding him. He scowled slightly at the realization of not knowing where he was. One minute, he was celebrating his birthday with the servants, Elizabeth and the Marchioness, and the next, he doesn't even recognize his surroundings.

He sighed as a gust of wind blew past him, causing him to shiver and realize he only had on his white button up, black trousers and black shoes, still with the laces neatly tied as Sebastian had done for him that morning. He stood up and sighed. "Might as well try to find a way out of here.. Sebastian is probably nearby as well."

He hugged himself and began trudging through the wide terrain of trees. It wasn't until he looked up at the sky and saw the sun begin to set when he realized how long he'd actually been searching.

If he didn't know any better, he'd suspect he had been walking in circles.

The wind blew again, harsher this time. Ciel shivered violently and stumbled from the force, exhaustion from walking for hours also catching up to him. He accidentally ran into the trunk of a tree before deciding to lean on it for support and finally taking a break. He slumped against the trunk of the tree as he rested.

He stayed there for a few minutes before he overheard a conversation going on between two different voices.

"This is where the unlabeled livestock was last seen, isn't it?" The first voice had began. It faded in, so Ciel could safely assume they'd just entered the area. "Yes, these are the coordinates we were given." The second voice chimed in. 'Livestock? What the devil are they talking about?' Ciel thought to himself, confusion overtaking his mind.

"They said they saw it just a few minutes ago, so it couldn't have gone far." The second voice again. "Don't you wonder why the livestock wasn't labeled? It's strange. It only would've been unlabeled if it was defective, and even then, it would've just been killed off." The first voice.

Ciel took in the information silently, shocked at the conversation he was overhearing. Unlabeled livestock... were they talking about him? They couldn't be, there was no way they would be.. right? Fear began welling up inside him at the possibility that these two strangers were looking for him and calling him livestock for whatever reason.

Strange New Home (Black Butler X The Promised Neverland) [UNDER EDITING]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang