Chapter 1: Life (Part 2)

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I huffed lightly at the rowdiness then slammed my book down, "Luffy! Go take Zoro and play outside! I want to read! I got a new book on magic theory!" Luffy stuck his tongue out, "Ever since you were five you started reading more and more on magic! Even if you're eight now, it's so boring!" He threw a punch, "Punches are better then stupid magic!" I smirked, "That so... Who can't you beat in any sense of fighting?" He yelled, "I can win now! Rayleigh's trained me a bit!" I bookmarked my book and smirked as I got up, "Let's put it to the test!"

I looked up at my bodyguard Marshall D. Teach, "Marshall-san, could you inform Aunt Makino that Luffy, Zoro, and I are going to the training ground?" He smiled, "Zehahahaha, of course your highness." He walked off as the three of us headed to my room. I looked at Zoro who had his hands behind his head yawning. I glanced at him then down, "Zoro... Want to spar?" He looked at me surprised, then down thinking, "Sure..." Luffy laughed, "Zoro's gonna get his butt kicked!" Zoro blushed, "I-I will not!" I hummed softly as I giggled, "I guess we'll see.~"

After making it to my room, I placed the book on my desk next to my small library in my room full of books on magic, drawing, singing, and fighting styles. I ran to my closet and got changed into tights, a slim dress, a belt with a scabbard, and boots before pulling my hair up into a ponytail and grabbing my training sword. I slipped the sword in the scabbard and made my way out to the group. I grinned and pointed, "Venture to the field!" Zoro huffed lightly as I grabbed his and Luffy's hand. 

I jerked as I heard my etiquette teacher, Charlotte Praline, "Princess Lyda, what're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be reading?" I stepped in front of them and did a perfect curtsy, "Greetings to Lady Praline." I forced a smile, "I don't believe it's any of your business of what I am doing. Considering you haven't given me a proper greeting, despite being an etiquette teacher, so... If you'll excuse us..."

I turned slightly scared as she flushed a bright red. Luffy laughed as Zoro tried to contain his laugh and they walked with me. I glared upset as we made it out of the building onto the pathway. "So rude! What gives her the right to judge my friends!" I walked backwards, "I'm allowed to be friends with whoever I want! Just last month I made a commoner friend! Her name's Nami! She helped me w-" I yelped as I trip over something.

I blinked surprised as I was caught by a tanish boy with a suit on. He had a large fluffy white hat with a black spot border. I flushed brightly as he stared wide eyed at me and held me there. I looked away, "Th-thank you for catching me..." He helped me stand, but just stared at me. Zoro got between us and had his hand on his sword, "Who're you and why're you in the princess courtyard?"

The boy glared at Zoro, but blinked surprised as I hit him upside the head, "Zoro! Manners! Can't you see how he's dressed! He's part of the Trafalgar family!" I huffed as I stepped up and curtsied, "Please excuse him. My name's L-" He interrupted a little in disbelief, "Lyda Iris-ya..." He seemed to regain himself and bowed, "P-pleasure, my name's Trafalgar D Water Law." I smiled and giggled, "You have such a long name!" He blushed softly as I got closer, "Wanna come watch our practice?" I smirked at Zoro, "I'm about to beat Zoro here in a spar.~" He glared, "Will not..." I giggled more, but blinked surprised at Law's small smile.

He looked behind him as he was called, "Lord Trafalgar! Wh-" A large man about ten foot and blonde curly hair bent over, "Who do we have here?" I curtsied, "My name's Lyda D Iris, nice to meet you." The man smiled and bowed, "Greetings to her highness, Princess Lyda. My name is Donquixote Rosinante. I'm La-" I laughed as he fell forward in front of us, but held my mouth and looked away as I tried to collect myself, but Luffy fell to the ground laughing. Law face palmed as Zoro tried to hide his laugh.

He got up and rubbed his forehead, "Sorry, I'm a bit clumsy." I giggled and was about to say something as Luffy put his finger on his chest, "Name's Monkey D Luffy! I'ma marry Iris some d-" I knocked him to the ground, "Manners!" I crossed my arms, "I refuse to marry anyone weaker than me! At least last thirty minutes! You can't even defeat me in climbing a tr-" I blushed softly as Law was just smiling softly and staring at me. I cleared my throat, "Anyways... T-Trafalgar-san... Do you w-" He interrupted, "... Law... Please call me Law..."

I giggled, "Law, wanna play with us?" He looked to the side, "My apologies... I have to go soon... My father had some business and insisted that I come..." I smiled sadly, "I see..." I grabbed Luffy's and Zoro's hands, "Then, make sure to come see again, ok?" He nodded and stared as I ran off a light red and giggling. After we reached the field I started stretching, "Alright let's get started!~" I began stretching as Luffy plopped on the ground with Zoro and waited for me to be done.

Luffy turned to Zoro, "Hey Zoro, what's a marry? Why am I with Iris?" Zoro scratched the back of his head, "Well... Sabo's with someone already... You're her childhood friend... Makes sense I guess." Luffy kicked his feet, "Zoro, you came here a month ago, right?" He nodded, but went wide eyed as I began normal drills. Luffy smiled, "Iri's strong! Even some of the adults can't beat her! She's trained by Grandpa Rayleigh after all! Iri's trying to become the best combat mage!"

I blush softly "Shut up! It's not trying..." I grinned at them as I aimed at them, "I will be the greatest combat mage! I will travel the world and draw all the sights I see! There won't be a kingdom that won't know my name! No one will stop me! If I become the number one combat mage, you can do anything you want!" I jerked as I heard my teacher Charlotte Praline, "Greetings to her highness, Princess Lyda. May I have some of your time? It's time for your lesson."

I looked down, but forced a smile, "Of course Lady Praline..." I turned and curtsy to them, "Have a good evening Sir Monkey... Sir Roronoa, keep our guest company..." I then turned and followed behind her as they watched me leave. I looked down sad, but smiled softly as I saw Law looking at me. I smiled and waved at him bye, but she noticed and turned to me. I looked up as she huffed, "Princess, please mind your manners." I looked to the side slightly scared, "Of course Lady Praline..." I looked down and followed her as she led me back inside. I glanced at Law one more time before looking back down.

I yelped as I was suddenly picked up and swirled, "Iri!" I flushed a bright red, "A-Ace! Put me down!" He patted my head, "Don't be like that! Sabo and I just got back!" He grabbed my hand and gently tugged, "Come on!" The woman grabbed my other hand, "Excuse me your highness, but it's time for Ir-... Her highness's lessons. Please come back later." He glared, but I slipped away, "I'll... See you later Ace..."

They watched me walk off as Ace glared, "I don't like her! I'll ask Shanks about getting her someone else! Iri's not afraid of anyone, but that woman and Makino!" Sabo nodded, "Something fishy's going on. Iri's been acting a little weird since that woman came here a few months ago after her birthday." They looked at each other and nodded before following. 

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