Chapter 6: Endings (Part 3)

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I feel a soft pawing on my cheek, Iri, it's time to get up. I take a soft inhale and stretch out looking around, but smirk. I reach out and pull Gengi to my chest and nuzzle her, "Morning my baby boy!" He huffed as he just accepted my affection, ... Iri, while I may be under a foot big... I am a demon beast... I'm a- I giggle and kiss his forehead, "I know. I know. Once I grow older and you feed more of my mana you'll grow." I get up and head to the bathroom, "You'll also be able to adjust your size to your liking. The max is the size of a horse and the smallest is the size of my hand."

Gengi hops to my closet hopping around collecting my clothes for me. I put my hair up into a ponytail and resituated my bracelet and necklace before stripping down in the closet. I slip on my training gear then head out to slip on my scarf and crown. Gengi hops onto my arms then shoulder as I open the locket and it glows yellow and gold. I smiled softly as I played the message in my head and looked at his picture, "... It's almost time... For them to leave too... Another month until my high society debut and them leaving..."

It changed to red and I saw Ace, "I... Won't cry like when with Law... I can't stay locked up in my room for a few days again... I gotta show them I'm fine!" I hum softly and skipped to the training field, but blinked and giggled as I saw Zoro. "Zoro!" He looked over and smiled, "Morning Iri!" I giggle and stretch out as Gengi hops to the side, "Whatcha doing?" He rubbed the back of his neck, "... Body reinforcement..." He blushed softly as I walked beside him and placed my hands on his stomach. I insert my mana in four points then smile up at him and press two on each arm then three on each leg.

I learned back and smiled, "How's that?" I giggled, "I learned some anatomy from Robin-san! Apparently I'm a quick learner! Years worth of things to learn in a few months! Not only am I caught up, but ahead of people my age! By next year I'll be ready for the academy!" He hugged me and nuzzled my neck. I blush brightly, "Z-Zoro?" He whispered, "I'm going to miss your smile and giggles..."

I smiled softly, "I gave you a pendant of us... You can always see my smile." I giggle, "Gotta wait to hear my giggles and laughter though! Gotta give you something to look forward to!" He huffed, "... Yeah..." I pulled away slightly, "Wanna train?" He nodded, so we began doing our daily training routine. After training Zoro would wash up in the barracks and I would head to my room. I shower then get dressed in one of my A-line dresses that don't use a petticoat. It's a light pink with white lacing. I despise heels, so I only wear boots or leather flats out. I slipped on my crown, scarf, bracelet, and necklace, before I headed out for breakfast.

I hummed softly as I made it out of my room, but looked up smiling, "Good morning Teach." He looked down, "Zehahahaha, good morning princess... How did your training go?" I smiled, but blinked as Gengi hopped in my arms. I giggle, "It went pretty well! I helped Zoro achieve his next step by unlocking a few of his mana points!" He asked a little amused, "Mana points are theoretical. How are you sure?" I smirked, "'Cause it worked!"

I motioned him closer, so he bent down slightly, "Don't tell Zoro, but I tested out on him." I leaned back giggling, "With body reinforcement his body would be able to handle mana rebound, but even if it couldn't I was right there. I wouldn't have let him hurt! I can redirect and share the rebound, so it's all good!" I flinched as he asked, "... Have you ever been truly hurt princess?..."

I looked down, "... When I hurt Uncle Shanks... Also when Law left me... It'll hurt when Ace, Sabo, and Zoro leave too... Luffy will be busy soon and Nojiko and Nami are studying at the moment... I'll be lonely, but... No, not physically... Law always healed me, I've never been sick, and no one can beat me in a spar that's willing to hurt me." I huff softly, "... I imagine they take it easy on me because I'm a princess and a woman..."

I jerked as Ace glared, "What was that? Someone making fun of you?" I huff softly and look up at Ace, "... Ace... Stop growing... I don't like the fact that you're almost half a foot taller than me..." I look at Sabo, "You and Zoro as well... I expect to be taller than at least one of you..." Ace smirked and rubbed my head, "Don't be mad shrimp." They shivered at my smile, "Shrimp?... Did you just call me a shrimp?" They started running, but I appeared in front of them, "I'll forgive you if you forfeit your sweets."

He flinched, "Y-you..." I smile more, "Well?" He flinches, "Fine!" I put Gengi on my head and held his hand giggling, "Yay! Let's go!" I grab Sabo's hand and I drag them to the dining room. I blinked surprised as Zoro, Luffy, Garp, Shanks, and Makino were already there talking. I grin, "Heyyo!~ Good morning!~" They look at me and smile as I make my way next to Makino, Ace next to Shanks and Luffy, and Zoro as Teach sits next to Zoro with Garp next to Luffy.

I hummed softly as Ace gave me his cinnamon rolls and waffles. I looked at Makino and pouted at her disapproval, "Ace called me a shrimp... This is our compromise." She chuckled, "Alright alright..." I smirk at Ace's huff. I gave him a waffle, "Feel honored by my mercy." He huffed and bowed teasingly, "Why thank you my honorable princess." I giggled, "You are quite welcome!~" We looked up to see Yasopp knocking, "Captain... It's... Important." He slowly got up and nodded, "Alright."

I glanced at Gengi, who slipped away and followed Shanks as we continued eating. "Iris..." I hum and look up at Makino as she gets up, "Everyone, I have an announcement... I was going to do it with Shanks here, but..." She smiled, "I'm pregnant... I'm due this November." I blinked surprised then grinned, "Congratulations Aunt Makino!" She smiled, "Thanks!" The others congratulated her as we began talking, but I froze as she asked me, "Will you name the baby for me?... Shanks and I talked about it, but we want a name you pick out. Think long and hard, alright?" I grin, "Yeah!"

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