~Saving the seven deadly sins~

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( This is when the Tex commandments are already out and Galand is there, and your wearing a cloak right now)
(Y/n Pov)
You were walking around in Liones, wondering what had happened since everything was like gone. You happen to run across Galand about to cut off a giant girls arm. You quickly flew towards him in a matter of seconds and sliced off his arm with your sacred treasure. The giant girl gasped, "WHAT WHO DID THAT" Galand shouted and looked behind him and saw you. "Hah who are you, little human."

You looked up at him and made your sacred treasure do all the work by scratching him and slowly slicing him. You walked over to the beat up people and healed them, "Bloom Rose" you said and saw there wounds slowly fading away but they were still knocked out.

You looked over to Galand to see that he was like about to faint and knock out, so you ran to him and kicked him away. You didn't notice the people in the purple shiny box, you saw that there was a girl with white hair blue eyes a pig with an earring and a boy with orange hair. The pig looked at you and said "WHOA THERE STRENGTH 89,980 AND THERE MAGIC 150,967 there magic is stronger than Merlin's..
The girl with white hair gasped.

You looked at the knocked out people to see Meliodas one of your good old friends. You looked at the people in the box and touch the purple box and it slowly faded away and say "What are your names and what were you doing" you asked. "My name is Elizabeth, and this is Hawk and Aruther (sorry if I spelt his name wrong) and, thank you for saving us!" she said to you. Your eyes widened but still nodded and used your vines to grab the knocked out people on the ground and started going to boar hat. "Um miss..?" "Y/n" you said to Elizabeth "Oh um Miss Y/n how do you know where boar hat is?"

She asked curiously "Meliodas is an old friend of mine so I've been to boar hat before" you explained to her, she nodded and followed you along with Hawk and Aruther. "How about we go to the castle instead" Aruther said "And how do you intend we get there" you asked "Oh I'm the princess" she said and you nodded and started going there while you were laying on you sacred treasure. (Basically looking like this)

 (Basically looking like this)

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Lookin like that.

While making your way to the castle you just teleported all of you guys there and the knocked out people were on beds. "What's her name" you asked Elizabeth looking at the girl with brown hair and picktails "Her name is Diana" you nodded and looked at her closely examining her.
"Meliodas-sama! Your alive!" You look over at them and saw him sitting up while you walked over to him and gave him medicine.

He looked over at you and said "Yo Y/n it's been a while, and what happen to Galand?" He asked, you shrugged and said "I just beat him up and made him fly?" You said but it kinda came out as a question. "Yes you go Y/n!" he patted you in the back and Elizabeth said "Meliodas-sama Hawk said that her strength and magic is stronger than yours" she said "Oh yeah, Y/n has always been stronger than me, well shes stronger than the second fairy king." He explained.

Elizabeth's eyes widened and said "Your a fairy?" You nodded and took off your cloak to stretch your wings and reveling your outfit. You already know what happen to Gloxinia at the holy war since Meliodas told you, it's not that your mad at Gloxinia or anything you just miss him.

Elizabeth's eyes widened again at the size of your wings, for such a small body you have such big wings "Oh miss Y/n if you don't mind me asking, are you married to someone and, how come your wings are so big for a fairy?" Your eyes widened but still answered her question "Yes, I am married to someone and my wings are bigger because-" "Because she's married to the first fairy king!" Meliodas explained for you since you were having a hard time explaining. You have a nod at his statement and looked at her seeing that she's giving you a smile, while you smiled back at her. "Welp let's get going back to boar hat and gather everyone." Meliodas said someone came in the room and shouted


(A/n lol here is the first chapter I'm sorry if there's not much talking but Gloxinia is going to be coming in soon)

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