1: what the?!

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"think I'll miss you forever. like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky"  - Lana Del Rey 

Nyx's pov:

I woke up from a long and strange night.

Getting up, I start to get ready for my day while thinking about the strange events from last night. On my nightstand, was the strange feather I found laying in front of my door last night. I had decided to keep it, for whatever reason, was Unknown to me. it just felt right.

I walk over to my nightstand and pick up the feather carefully, and stare at it curiously. a feather? of all things... Why a feather? Is there some kind of animal or bird in my house I don't know about? seriously... what the hell!

Paying no mind to last night's events, I headed down to the kitchen and attempted to make myself something to eat. I couldn't help but feel like something or someone was watching me the entire time. But every time I looked around, nothing was there. Maybe I'm just being paranoid?

I feel so tired. So so tired...I feel exhausted and all I want to do is sleep... maybe it's because I barely slept any last night? but it's like something is missing?

I went on a walk, to clear my mind of these thoughts, and attempt to forget about them. But I felt like something was following me, and watching me, waiting for the right moment to strike its prey.

I have a lot to do today! First I have to clean the house, then I have to go out shopping for groceries and supplies. and if i get done early, i may have enough time to work on the assignment for class today. Man collige can be a Bitch sometimes!!


I made my way into the library, looking for specific books to help me with my assignment.

Let's see here, no...that's not what I'm looking for, no, No! Seriously, doesn't this library have anything I can use? I really don't want to have to rely on online sources, they are not as easy to cite for me

Suddenly a book was thrown near my feet, causing me to freeze In place. I looked around to see who had thrown the book, before carefully picking it up.

Looking at the book I read the title. "The encyclopedia on demons and the different kinds there are" what the hell? I guess I can read it for the fun of it?

It had started to get dark, and I know I had to get home soon. it's not safe out at this time of night, I better hurry and not play around.

I exited the library and started to head towards my house. Luckily for me, I don't live far away from the library and the walk there only took about ten minutes. Though, ten minutes was more than enough time for anything to happen. I have to hurry home, I can't waste anymore time!

Suddenly I felt this pain on my arms, and hands. Looking down, I notice strange markings covering them. What the hell?! This can't be happening, what's happening to me? there's no blood, yet it hurts, I feel so... dizzy... I don't know what's going on anymore.

My vision started to get blurry and black spots started to appear as I pass out. Before I hit the ground and lose consciousness, I feel someone catch me and say something.

"That's it, sleep well my little human, when you awake, i'll make sure you know who you belong to, my princess!" 


unknow's pov:

I caught her and looked at her sleeping figure..."That's it, sleep well little human. When you awake, I'll make sure that you know just who you belong to, my princess...let's get you to your rightful home, and away from this disgusting human world"

I look at her markings. I see, my plan has finally taken effect, good...you'll soon be all mine ~ My soon to be queen ~

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