4: what is happening?

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"I'm just feelin' my vibe right now. I'm feelin' myself."  - Desiigner

Nyxs pov:

...I jump awake when I hear two knocks at the door, as a gruff and irritated voice speaks to me. "Look I'm coming in now, I just hope you have some clothes on or something, I don't want to hear it from that bastard." Come on, I was sleeping...couldn't he have waited a little bit longer?

The man opened the door, he was slightly shorter than Lucien from what I could tell, and his hair was more of a darker brown. The air around him seemed to have gone still and I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by him. Yeah, there is no way in Hell that he's human.

He looked down at me, glaring, and seemed extremely pissed to be here. "Well? Don't just stand there shorty, let's go. That bastard told me to show you around, and that's what I'm doing."

"aright, aright, i'm coming..." not like i wanted to be here anyway... "And you think i do shorty?"

I left the room with the man, and he grabbed my hand. "What are you doing?" I ask, slightly uncomfortable. "Just making sure you don't escape, I doubt you will, but this is just in case."

You both continued down the halls, the man showing you different parts of the castle. "Um..." I start to say.

"What it is shorty?" He asked me, with the irritated tone in his voice. "I'm sorry, but I never got your name, so I can't really thank you properly for showing me around..." He looked at me, his grip on my hand never leaving. "You don't need to thank me. I'm just doing what I'm told."

"Seriously, are you always this much of an ass?" I said, but he just kept walking ignoring me.

Soon he stopped walking in front of a large door. "This is one of my favorite spots in the castle" He opened the door, revealing a huge library, the excited expression on my face made him chuckle.

"It is nice, isn't it'? It's a little cold, not that I mind, and it's pretty dark and quiet. The best thing about it is that no one hardly comes here, so it's a great spot if ya want a quick nap or some alone time. Me and a best friend I used to know came here all the time when we were younger. He was a bit of a bookworm, while I was the one who usually fell asleep on him" He said, seeming very relaxed in this place, the tense and stiff air around him seemed to fade, but his voice, it sounded sad almost. it was strange, he doesn't strike me as a type of guy who had a heart... maybe demons aren't all that bad. I suppose I can't judge them all, because of one bad experience, but it's best to keep my guard up still.

"Akryn." He suddenly said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"My name, It's Akryn. You wanted to know, right? You'll probably be seeing me a lot. Seeing as I am gonna be your guard. So, I guess it wouldn't hurt if ya knew my name." He said to me. I don't know why, but as he was staring at me, and his eyes...looked so soft...almost, human.

"Oh, um Thanks..." I said, giving him an awkward smile. He doesn't seem so bad after all... he actually seems kind of sweet.

"You're very welcome Nyx" I looked at him in shock. "You knew my name?" I ask surprised.

"Yeah? The bastard won't shut up about ya, besides, he told me the name of his 'Future Queen'. Don't know what he means by that. He's only the second oldest, so he's not next in line to be king. If ya ask me, I think he's just nuts and delusional. "

I let out a small laugh when he said that "Yeah he does seem to have a few loose screws in his head. Bad enough he thinks he can just waltz in and take a girl's first kiss." When I said that, his grip on my hand tightened ever so slightly, and he let out a small quiet growl. He tried to brush it off by asking me "Hey shorty, wanna go see the courtyard?" instead.

"Sure, I guess it couldn't hurt..."

While we were making our way to the courtyard I decided to ask him some questions along the way. "Hey, I was wondering, can I ask you a few things? Just out of curiosity."

He looked at me and hesitated. "A few. But I can't guarantee I can answer them all, it depends on what you ask me." I look at him and gave him a smile.

"Alright, so, where exactly are we?" He laughed and looked at me "Where do you think shorty? you're surrounded by demons. You're in Hell"

"Wait, what?! hell?! Did I die?!" I scream.

"I can assure you that you're not dead. Demons have their ways of getting back and forth from our world, and yours. How we do it, I'm not allowed to say, but I promise you're not dead shorty." looking at him, not completely satisfied with that answer, but moved on to the next question.

"Ok...So what kinds of demons are there?" He thought for a moment before answering, a little uncomfortable. "Well, there are many, I suppose I'll have to teach you about it another day. But there are many kinds. Lucien for example is an Incubus which is probably why he kissed you, that and he's a pervert. Imps are lesser-known demons, then there are elemental type demons, and then there are ones, who just cause mischief and havoc as usual. Those are just a few of the many." I stay quiet as he talks, taking it all in. Why does he seem so uncomfortable? Is he hiding something??

He continued, "As for myself, I'm only a half-demon, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm weaker than the others, I just...nevermind" i looked a little upset at him "Half demon? what kind?" He was still a little uncomfortable with speaking. "Ice. I'll answer more questions later. We arrived at the courtyard shorty. So what do ya think?"

"It's not bad, it's okay I suppose. i kinda like it"

"Well, I'm glad you like it shorty" I give him an irritated look.

"I have a name ya know, and you know it. My name is Nyx" He gives me a smirk.

"Well Nyx is indeed a beautiful name, buttttt...shorty suits you much better." i open my mouth to say something only to be hushed by Akryn.

"They're here...come on, let's get you somewhere safe." He grabbed my hand and took off.

"Who's here?? What do you mean? Hey! Slow down!" I pleaded in vain, and he kept pulling me along with him.

"answer me! Akryn! What do you mean?! Where are you taking me!?"

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