day 23

16 5 0

d a y   2 3

I wake up in Cian's bed, head resting on his chest, his arms wrapped around me. He's still asleep, looking completely relaxed, and I can't help but smile. I'm about to drift off to sleep again when he shifts slightly, one hand running up and down my back.

"Good morning," he whispers when I open my eyes.

I give him a brief kiss, and then frown. He just watches in bemusement, one brow raised, as I pull out of his grasp and stand up.

"Morning breath," I explain, and his lips twitch, looking more amused than offended. "I need to go wash up."

Cian just lays back against the headboard as I exit the room. I shower quickly, and by the time I exit the guest room, Cian's already washed and dressed, waiting in the living room. I smile when I notice his black t-shirt and jeans. He just lets out a low laugh, eyes skimming down my body and back up, taking in the loose black dress and boots.

"Great minds think alike," I say, walking up to him and leaning up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

His hand lands on my hip, dragging me closer when I move to back away, and then his lips are on mine. His grip steadies me as he takes a few steps backwards, and then he's sitting down on the couch, pulling me into his lap. The hand on my hip trails up my spine, the other on my thigh, holding me on top of him. My face burns at the realization that my dress has slid up my legs, pooling in my lap. Not revealing anything important, but Cian's hand is high enough to send my thoughts scattering in all directions.

He doesn't go any further, though, for better or worse. I'm still keenly aware of his loose grip on my thigh, and I reach down to make sure my dress hasn't shifted, grateful for the long, loose skirts.

The movement sends him pulling back. I'm glad to see that he's just as breathless as I am.

"You're going to make me late for work," he mock admonishes me.

I pinch his bicep lightly. "You're the one who kissed me," I retort, sliding off his lap and adjusting my dress. One strap has slipped off my shoulder, and I push it back up, smoothing my skirts.

Cian smirks, standing up and moving past me to the door. "You didn't seem to mind," he purrs as he walks past me. A shiver laces down my spine at his tone, but I ignore it and scowl at him.

"Let's go. I'm hungry." I smack his arm at the suggestive smile that blooms across his face, but I don't hide my own answering smile. There's a light in his eyes that wasn't there before. I reach for his hand as we exit the apartment, holding on tightly.

I try to ignore the nagging voice in my head, whispering "twenty-eight days" and "borrowed time" repeatedly, warning me that this all will come to an end sometime.

I just want to enjoy this.

For however long we have.

Inversion [Camp NaNoWriMo July 2021]Where stories live. Discover now