It is what it is...

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" Tay!" I yell out the bathroom.
" what-up" he said turning his head while his eyes were still stuck to the t.v.
" imago to the doctor today-" I said during two brushes while brushing my teeth.
"For what?!" He say slowly dragging his head from the direction of the t.v.
" to see if I'm pregnant-" say slowly in a mumble like tone.
" how you pregnant- and if you was why not take one at home-" he said sounding like I was stupid
" cause they can lie to you- and when I was with Prince he fucked me." I said slowly sounding depressed. Tay looked shocked. He kinda looked angry, but kinda happy; all the emotions in the book were showing. He didn't say anything so I didn't say anything. After I got ready, I put on some emoji joggers, a tank top, and my Jordan's futures on got into the Charger and drove off . I went into the hospital signed some papers and waited for them to call me. After I got I got into the room they did the same procedures they did when I was pregnant with Mikinna.
" well Jazzi your in fact 4 months pregnant, and your doing good." She Said that with a smile and left out the room with a couple more words and let me out.

falling in love with a nobobyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant