lying ass, cheating ass...

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Malcom stared at me for about two minutes then said

" how about you just go to bed, I'll make you breakfast in the morning and then you can go home tomorrow...I don't want to be in the way, and besides my mama is bringing my kids over tomorrow." he said walking up the stairs and turning off the lights.

" you want me to sleep on the couch?" I say yelling up the stairs.

" yea, i don't want you to sleep with me and i mess around and try to fuck with you, and you damn sure can't sleep in my kid's bed." he said easing into his bedroom.

I follow behind him and he turns around and looks at me twisted.

"Can i have a blanket and a pillow?" I say and shrug my shoulders.

He gave me a fake smile and threw me a blanket and a pillow. I sleep uncomfortable all night. I soon hear the fridge open. I get up and walk to Malcom, he had on a white tank, and some boxers. He looked at me and closed the fridge,

" You hungry?" he said with a childish smirk.

" um, yea!" I say with an attitude.

He threw me a pop-tart and poured me a glass of milk. I looked at the pop-tart then back at him, then the milk then back at him with my eyebrows lifted.

" well, eat up!" he said scratching his chest and walking out.

" blue-berry?" I yelled to him as he turned the corner.

" Is that a problem, my kids eat them everyday before school, with a big-ass smile on their face...and you can do the same, if you hungry." he said slightly smiling.

"I'll just go home, I don't want to be in your way, your kids way, and i'm just not feeling this." I said leaving the stool and walking up to him.

" yea, well take my clothes off, put back on your clothes, ill give you some money to buy you some more, and -" he said before I cut him off

" wait-wait-wait one mother fuckin minute, nigga ion need yo money, I just need some clean clothes, but I will be happy to go home nasty." I said hitting him on his chest.

" why are you so fuckin rude? Im over here giving you a place to stay, food and trying to let you buy some more clothes, and you gone cuss me out,and hit me? Oh hell nahh man, just leave." he said walking up the stairs and pointing to the door.

" Well, nigga I need my clothes!" I said yelling up the stairs.

He threw my dress down and my heels. I get into my car and drive home.

I get to the door and Tay opens it looking mad.

" where the hell you been?" he said looking around.

" non of your damn business, and why you back so early?" I say pushing his arm in.

" never mind that, but back to you, where-" he started to say.

" Over a friends house damn." I said starting to walk up the stares.

" you a lying ass-" he started to say.

" nigga, say it- say it!" i said inches from his face.

" umm, any way, you was with hmm, Malcom?" he said picking up a card from the kitchen table.

" ..., huh?" I said turning around looking suprised.

" oh, not only are you a liar, you a cheater too." he said with a sarcastic smile.

" nigga how am I cheating and lying?" I say yelling from half-way down the stares.

" You don't hardly get out the house like that, since we moved in together, so you don't know that many people, and if he was your fucking friend why you need his fucking card?" he said flicking the card in the air.

" Shut-up!" I said continuing to walk up the stairs.

I start to take a shower and do my hygiene stuff and lay on the bed with my bra and panties on looking at my slightly-big belly.

" get yo ass up, put some clothes on I got somebody I want you to meet." He said picking me up.

I put on a t-shirt dress that goes a little-over my knee. and some knee-high socks. I walk down stairs to see a woman that looks like she in her mid 40's sitting on the couch.

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