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It has been two days, having 2 babysitters watching over my over-grown ass. Even though that is aggervatin as hell, it's Saturday. I do my hygiene stuff, and let the boys do the same. I get on my phone and decide to text Tay.



-guess what day it is?

-hump day?! laughing emoji

-no dumbass, it's Saturday

-oh yea, what about it?

- yo sister baby shower...

- oh yeaaaa, when it start?

-(reading the invitation)  Saturday, 2:00, at HillsTown Community Center.

- aight it's already 12:45 soo, I'll be on my way in a lil, so it will be bout 1:00 when I get there.

-aight i'll be waiting

-kissy face emoji

-kissy face emoji

I put on a pink and blue floral jumpsuit, and some sandals. While Malik and JoJo had on all white: White polo v-neck, white skinnys, and white air forces. Tay came in with a pink Holister shirt, blue jeans, and some KD's on.

" Awww yall look so good!" I say sweating.

" Why the hell- are you sweating?" Tay said laughing.

Still smiling, " Shut the fuck up, hot flashes."

We get in my car, but Tay drives, to the community center.

We get there and the  place has balloons everywhere, and Lorri greeted us in.

" Hey Tay, Jazzi, and their bodyguards." She said laughing and joking with them. I walk in and I see a few girls cooking and some decorating. A slightly tall girl comes up too me and she has long hair, small chest, but wide hips.

" I don't have my contacts in soo, I can't hardly see you girl, but is you keisha?" She said laughing and sounding loud.

"no" I said bluntly.

" Sasha?" She said.


"Anikka?" She said sounding like she got it correct.

" no, you probably don't know me." I said sounding friendly.

" then, why are you here?" She said sounding angry.

" I'm Tay's girlfriend-" I said hesitatingly.

She ran to the bathroom, and came back out with blue eyes, she already had dark green eyes.

" my brother Tay, and your pregnant?" She said with an attitude.

" yea, you did invite him," I said sarcastic.

" No hell I didn't!" She said walking outside.

She looked outside and found Lorri talking to Tay. When Tay laid eyes on Tiffanie, he then tensed up and took a deep breath.

"Mama did you give them, a invitation? She said sounding ghetto.

" Yes I did, and look she's also pregnant." Lorri said.

I hugged up against Tay and smiled slightly.

" Tay, you really wanted to come?" She said sounding happy.

" Actually she did, " He said pointing at me.

" Yea-" I started to say.

" Listen bitch, I don't even know you so why are you talking to me?" She said getting in my face.

" Look Tiffanie gone with that jealous shit, Ian got time, and don't talk to my girl like that agian!" he said getting mad.

" Oh really, how about yall get yall asses back in yall fucking car and leave!" She said walking inside. Tay then got the gift from Bath and Body Works and threw it  in the building.

" Mama im sorry it had to be like this but she is something serious." He said slightly hugging Lorri one handed-ly. I got on the passenger side and cranked up the car. He said a few words then left.He got in the car and then shook his head.

" Wait man I gotta pee," I said laughing while Tay was looking serious.

I went inside and found Brittney in there, she looked at me and smiled. I used the bath room and when I came out, she was waiting for me.

" Hey, I wanted to apologize." She said looking sorry.

" Okay?!" I said starting to walk off, but she stepped in front off me.

" I want you to see something, follow me." She said happily.

I felt like I shouldn't be trusting this bitch, but following her was worth it. There was this big ass pool and a bar.But this shit was too good to be true. I turned around and there was this big ass man behind me. He covered my mouth and picked me up and put me in his truck.

-was this a set up

-did he write the letter

- why did malik and JoJo let her go alone

hmmm comment

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