Chapter 4

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"Back again with the broken arm? How many times have I told you to watch yourself! Do you really have to die to understand?!"

The doctor of Wellston was a middle aged woman with navy blue hair and a nasty personality. She had a tendency to yell at students who came in. Her ability was Nightmare, which she used quite frequently to terrorize random students. As she was doing right now.

"Ah! Calm down, doc! I said I'm sorry!" Jane yelped.

The doctor sighed and shook her head. "Drink this." She said, handing Jane a glass of green liquid. "Your arm will heal in three hours."

"Thanks." Jane said. 

The doctor sighed again. "One day I'm gonna lose my job because of you." She muttered. "You're lucky you only ran into Stone Girl today. If you pissed off any of the high tier students, then even I couldn't sa-"

"I already know, doc." Jane said. "I'll be careful." She got up, hoping to leave before doc could force more medicine down her throat.

"Where do you think you're going? Nice try, but you know the drill."

Jane gulped. Shit. 

"You're staying here until your arm heals. I will notify your teachers that you will not be attending any classes for the remainder of the day."

Meanwhile, the boy on the roof got a text message. It was from Jane, and it read "hwelpp!! sAve me"

"Where are you?" The boy typed. Jane sent a message. The boy smiled. He should have known.

The infirmary door opened. 

Ugh, not the other one. Doc thought.

"Jane?' The boy asked, peeking around the curtain.

"Ah, Seraphinus!" Jane said. 

"What's this about?" Seraphinus shoved his phone into Jane's face. 

"I'm dying for boredom. Doc won't let me leave for three hours."

Seraphinus smirked. "Lol. Sucks for you. Well, I gotta get to class. I'll remember not to wait for you after school."

"Are you kidding me?" Jane stood up and grabbed the boy's shoulder. "You never go to class. Come on, help out a friend! Keep me company?"

Seraphinus sighed. I suppose I could stay.

Jane was hard at work playing games on her phone.

"YEAH!" She shouted.

"What's that creepy look for?" Seraphinus asked. 

"I'm glad you asked." Jane said creepily. She shoved her phone at Seraphinus. "Looks like we got a new champion in town!" 

"Hm. Pretty good," Seraphinus said. "But not good enough." He showed his own phone to Jane. 

"212?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Jane cried. "No. You cheated. That doesn't count."

"What?" Seraphinus demanded. "Just because I used my ability? Look, it's not my fault you don't have one!" 

"You-" Jane started. The ceiling began to rumble. "What was that?"

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