16: Age 17 (part 2)

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The scariest and the most painful thing is to be hated by someone you truly love

I never feel more lonely than when she leaves my side.

I can't tear my eyes away from her as I helplessly watch her walk away from me for what feels like the hundredth time. Letting her go back home is never easy, I wish I was old enough now to take care of her and build the life I want to build. But... I'm just not yet.

Her outline fades into the darkness, she's far enough away now to be safe of this place. My fingers craze through my dark brown strands of hair, wiping them clear of my face. I can't wait to get home and hit my head down on that pillow, just so I can escape this world for a little while and dream about our future together.

My boots scuff the dirt track as I slowly make my way back to the shit hole that I call home. The atmosphere down here is that of a graveyard. Dimly lit streets, wooden shacks for houses.. not a single piece of colour to be seen. My whole soul ached to be outside, in the fresh air where I can hear people chattering, birds singing.

Finally I make it back, my hand reaches to slide the door aside.

"Surely your not calling it a night already? The night is still young!" My breathing hitches and an automatic scowl creeps over my features. "Fuck off Kenny, I'm not in the mood". I'm not in the mood at the best of times but in the hours after n/n leaves if you get on my bad side, don't expect to come away scratch free.

His rough hand slaps against my shoulder, his fingers digging into my collar bone as he pulls me round to face him. All I can see from under the shade of his hat is a sickly grin. "Don't be such a brat. Your uncle Kenny has got you a treat.. and trust me. Your going to love it!"

"I said fuck off! I'm not interested in anything you have to say" I spit out.

"You won't come with me?" He frowns, wobbling his lip sarcastically as if he was a spoilt child not getting his way. "Not even to catch a glimpse of your precious princess?"

"You better not of fucking touched her or I'll fucking rip your throat out" I lurch forward, grabbing handfuls of his shirt in my fists, pushing him backwards until his back smashes into an already slanting lampost. "That's the spirit!" He cackles, eyes wide with pleasure. "Let's go!"

a/n;; credit to artist for work

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a/n;; credit to artist for work

The cool night air stings my skin, I've been following Kenny for a while now. He'd led me out of the underground and up towards the edge of Mitras, to a desolated area by Wall Rose.

"Why have you brought me here?" My eyes dart over to meet his before glancing around my surroundings. I don't think I've ever been here before. The houses are sparce towards the edge of the city, there was no longer the sound of chattering, a horrible eery silence. My body tenses. Why do I feel like this is about to be the worst night of my life?

Before another word escapes my mouth, I see her. My breathing stops and my heart starts to pound inside of my chest. I go to call out but Kenny yanks my arm to pull me back. "Don't fucking talk or I kill her." I grit my teeth and before I can even growl out a retort.. "Watch her, she is not who you think she is. She's been lying to you".

What the hell. How is she a liar? I've never met anyone more caring in my life. I know this girl like the back of my hand, she's told me everything about herself, just as I've opened up my entire shitty life to her. There's no way she would do that to me.

My eyes wander back to the ivory haired beauty that was my future wife as she gracefully made her away towards the entrance of some sort of cavern. She would never hurt me. She would never lie to me.

I'd never been more confident of something in my life.

"So you've come to show me that my girlfriend likes to take evening walks?" I mutter with an almost arrogant smirk. I draw my attention to Kenny who still has a sickly grin across his smug features. "Are you seriously that dumb Rivaille? I clearly have to much faith in you."

"Your little whore is a princess. Not your princess but the daughter of a king no less!" He laughs like a maniac as the words slide out of his mouth. A princess? The princess of the Eldian people? That can't be true.

I hurriedly look back over to the cavern, where I can see a faint glow of orange light emitting from the entrance. My eyes widen in horror as the dark snout of some huge beast makes its way out of the cave. The rest of it follows, it's has huge stretched out wings and a long formidable tail. That's a fucking dragon.

It's huge talons trample the earth below it. Within minutes of the first beast coming out, a second smaller one arrives. It's colour much less daunting but still a scary sight for someone who'd never seen creatures like this before. The palms of my hands begin to persperate as I suddenly realise those dragons had come out of the cavern that n/n had only moments ago gone into.

Fuck. Is she dead?

In that split second it felt like my world had completely crumbled around me. A lump formed in my throat and I started to struggle to breath. I fall down to my knees, grasping gravel in my hands.

"Pathetic" Kenny grumbles. "You are so weak. I thought I'd brought you up to be like me but this just proves you'll never be strong." I can't even look at him, my eyes fill up with tears.

"Nokus, Idhu! Stop making so much noise! This is supposed to be a quick flight"

I hear her, that beautifully melodic voice chiming into my ears. Thank god.

an;; credit to unknown artist

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an;; credit to unknown artist

I watch her intently as she brushes her long thick locks behind her head. She reaches her fingertips out and grazes then across the larger dragons side, tracing swirls as she goes.

"That girl of yours. Daughter of the king. The king that destroyed your family. The king that killed your mother" the poisonous words leaked from Kennys mouth. "You think it's some sort of co-incidence that she found you?" He mocked.

"She knows everything and you've blindly fallen for her lies".

"Your weak"


The words swirled and echoed in my mind. Pictures of my mother flashed through my thoughts mixed in with happy memories with n/n.


My mother cuddling me to sleep in the evenings, her soft hands caressing my hair as I can hear her singing to me a usual lullaby.


N/n curled into my chest. The sweet scent of vanilla filling my nostrils as I bury my face into her locks.



How could you betray me like this?

an;; sorry for the delayed chapter! Lots going on at the moment as I'm about to start fertility treatment with my partner. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I plan to try and update more frequently! Love to you all x

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