A Long Time Ago...

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As I lie in my house... Alone... I rummage through my things quietly... My Grandmother in the room below me, knitting, I know she probably can't hear me so I have no reason to be so quiet... But... I still show her respect... I dig out my mothers old journal from my stack of books... And I open it up, a fit of interest catching my attention, as I read the opening page of her journal... It's an introduction... She wrote this journal right after she was checked out of the mental asylum, after she was found to be pregnant with me... She wrote this so that someone knew her life story... I go ahead, and close out my thoughts, to focus on her literature.

A Long Time ago... A human fell from above into the underground of Mt. Ebott... The Human brought with her, peace, prosperity, and mercy to monster-kind who resided there...

This human, would surely bring peace to monsterkind... As she befriended every monster who crossed her path... Until she found herself, in front of the king of Monsters, Asgore Dreemur...

She broke his will with her kindness, and befriended him.. Before an unforgiving monster intruded... Murdering the King... And cursing monster kind underground forever...

The Human couldn't give up on monsterkind... With the king dead, and the killer... Flowey... Unlocated... The human promised to the monsters she would find a way to free them... And that she would never abandon them.

The Human spent the following years of her life, growing closer with the monsters... Making progress with them all... The Improvement of monster-kind surely on its way.

The Humans deeds, lead to a new Monster Queen, Toriel... The improvement of Monsters technological advances... And... Love even-

But... Nothing stays forever... And that day... That... Dreaded day... He returned... Flowey... Who had spent the time the monsters spent improving themselves, all Flowey did was dip into madness and lunacy... Murdering the Queen, with the power of 6 human souls he had collected from Asgores vault

In that moment... Flowey released toxin from his new Form... Omega Flowey... This toxin, was filled throughout the air of the underground, and was very-very sickening... The Monsters slowly became infected with a disease named "The Hunger"

With no Queen, and no King... The Humans Husband, forced the Human to absorb the queens dying soul, and use it to escape the barrier, and to never return...

Immediately after escaping, the human was heartbroken... 10 years of her life, flashed away and gone in an instant... She could never return to the underground, having to leave her friends, and her husband behind

When The Human returned to the surface world, other humans saw her as deranged and unhinged, spouting madness from her lips... She tried to run away after that... But took a wrong turn into an alleyway...

... The human was reminded of how evil the human world was... She was assaulted... Beaten... Worse.... left to die there... She was commissioned to a hospital... Then commissioned to a mental asylum...

She didn't stay there long however... The human was discovered to be pregnant, most likely from the assault she suffered upon leaving the underground... She was decommissioned after a month or two into her stay in the asylum...

She was released into her mothers care... And she had a lovely daughter... Named Aliza... This journal is for you Aliza... Use it... Let it guide you through life, my daughter... I know not what the future holds for you... But one thing is for certain... I will always love you

- Love, your Mother, Frisk G.

It was hard to read through even the first page... Part of me believed her story... Part of me thought it was completely illogical... But I know one thing, my mother was no fool, and not a sickly woman... It wasn't sickness that killed her, it was her mourning for her husband... Drove her to... To...

I shook my head, I can't get lost in thought again... My dad has to be out there somewhere... And maybe... Just maybe Mount Ebott holds the answers...

I opened my backpack up, putting my mothers journal in it, a couple of bandages and ointment in case I take a fall or something, 2 granola bars, a small flashlight, and my mothers heart-shaped locket, that I put over my neck... I opened the window out of my bedroom, and snuck out...

The climb up Mount Ebott was long and strenuous, I have no idea how mother completed this climb when she was young... Maybe she really was just an over imaginative kid who got lost and made up her own reality.... I continued walking, brushing my hair back before I missed a step, tripping and falling backwards, "Ah!- What the?!" I yelled out, thinking I heard someone, I turned my flashlight on, to the sight of nothing.... Except a massive, gaping hole, right on the top of Mount Ebott... You'd never expect a mountain this size to be hollow .

"..." I was anxious, and in a bad position, right on the edge of the gaping hole in the mountain, I tried to shimmy along, to escape the pit, but before I could...


A root that was holding the soil above it up, and by that regard my body mass, broke in an instant, sending the ground below me, and myself, into a free fall... As I lost my breath, yelping out a helpless scream, I held my mothers locket in my hand tightly... "I-I'm sorry mom-" I said, as I landed on the ground, losing consciousness... Heh... If this is how I die... Then... So be it...

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