The Late Doctor

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Eventually me and Sans reached the Lab, Sans closed the door behind us.... Dust covered the interior of the lab, I coughed slightly and Sans walked ahead, turning the lights on... The lab looked... Surprisingly untouched... It just looked worn out and looked like it was falling apart slowly... As time passes by... It seems everything just crumbles to dust... Fracturing slowly as time goes on........

Part of me expected to see Alphys... As a monstrous echo of whoever she used to be before the Hunger... But there was nothing... Just an empty laboratory.. Anime Posters, a big Computer with a gaming console, experiments upon experiments scattered every which way..... I felt like I knew the kind of person they were just from their environments alone.....

"..... What happened to The Royal Scientist?...." I asked, Sans looked over at me, and shook his head, "... Story for another day, kid..." he said, as he turned away from me... His hands buried in his pockets, his blue eye prominent, sad as he thought back to one of his friends... Beginning to walk out the backdoor....

"Sans... Story for another day?... God knows how long we'll both end up lasting down here... Y'know how many close encounters we've had already.." I said, probably being a bit of an annoyance for my dear old, newfound father figure... He sighed and took his axe out and took a seat on one of the chairs, grabbing an object off one of the laboratory tables and beginning to sharpen it..... "I suppose at the moment we ain't in any rush... Undynes far away and deafened... And the freaks from The Kingdom aren't aware of us yet since we're still a bit aways...... I suppose we can take some time to just... Talk a bit..." he said softly, looking at me....

I took moms journal out, "I've made it a habit that... Whenever I encounter what once was of this world... I read moms old journal entry over... W-Well.... How it used to be..... Would you... Like me to read this one aloud this time?..." I asked, Sans looked up and nodded, "Sure... And well... This time I suppose I can fill in the gaps for ya.... Of.... What happened afterward..... Make it a bit of teamwork between the two of us, kid..." he said, I nodded and opened her entry on Alphys....

"My dearest Aliza... Alphys was a character indeed... She was funny, a kindhearted soul, and held a smart enough mind to make extreme technological advances in the Underground as a whole.... There's a thing or two she taught me and Sans from time to time.... Talking about her favorite anime, her love for Undyne... And her desire to find a way to break the barrier without sacrificing my soul.... Day in and Day out she tried her hardest to secure a better future for us all.... Eventually that led to us seeing less and less of her as time passed by... I... I know now what effect the Hunger could have on her... I wasn't around long enough once it struck... But... I fear the worst for her..... If you find her Aliza.... Alive.... Just.... Tell her thank you for everything she did for us.... Although once the true evil unveiled himself and killed the Queen, forcing me out of the Underground.... I know all of her hard work must feel fruitless... But... I want her to know, it wasn't..... I am proud of her...."

As I finished reading I looked up at Sans, who only had a blue eye glowing.... Having a sad expression on his face, as he stopped sharpening his axe.... "Heh.........." All Sans did was helplessly chuckle and shook his head... ".... I'm starting to think.. Maybe its best you just... Remember what Frisk wrote about her...... If I tell you what happened to her it'd... Make our mood.... Our hope all the more dimmer...." he said, glancing at me... "Sans... I have to know.... I.... I don't want to have information withheld from me... I'm not a kid...... Besides.... I know I've seen worse..." I said, Sans looked down... Obviously somewhat ashamed to know that my innocent soul was tainted by the horrors of the underground........ Sans coughed, clearing his throat before speaking up...

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