Spear of Hunger

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As I heard those words mutter from the beasts mouth, I saw her spear raise up, I quickly raised my axe up and swung it, hitting against the spear, "B-BACK! S-STAY BACK!" I shouted in panic, not knowing what else to do as I scampered backwards deeper into the bush, Undyne snarled and charged behind me, "H-Human... H-Human! GRAHHH!" She shouted madly, throwing a spear towards me as I ran deeper into CrestFall, I breathed heavily, the spears whizzing past me....... 

Tears streamed down my face..... Terror running through my veins... Was this all there was down here?.... Evil... Misery... Hunger?.... W-Was it possible to even save them all... I turned to look back at Undyne as I run... Her jaw hinged open to reveal sharp teeth, oozing an odd black liquid, "U-Undyne! U-Undyne I know you were friends with Frisk! I-I'm her daughter! Aliza! L-Listen please! I'm here to save you!" I shouted as I continued running, hoping she'd come to reason, despite her seeminly being blind, her sense of hearing was unmatched, matching my footsteps perfectly...

"HUMAN!" her vocabulary seemed to be impaired, as I scampered through several bushes, despite my thoughts of Sans... What he was becoming... I wish he was here right now.... I reached a long cave, continuing to run at max speeds before suddenly Undyne rushed up and tackled me down, staring me in the eye, her crystal white eye unblinking... As she raised her spear up, I couldn't do anything else, I raised the axe and whacked it across her face this time, blood spewing from the cheek I tore into with the axe, Undyne fell backwards, grabbing at her gashed open cheek and just madly chuckling, she wasn't dead.... No... I had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy... I took up a defensive position and held my now bloodied axe... "I-I don't wanna hurt you Undyne... I-... I-I'm here to break the barrier... Cure the Hunger! If you have any shred of your humanity left, please stop this senseless fighting!" I said, tears streaming down my face, as I had fear... I would have to take a life today.....

My mind trailed off for a moment, waiting for Undyne to stop uncontrollably laughing... She was thinking that she was going to die... But I was guessing Undyne had grown so numb to the constant agony of the infection..... She was in shock to feel a different sort of pain... A more physical one... I saw her catch the blood droplets coming off of her gashed open cheek, and begin licking her hand like a mad dog........ All I could think about in that moment was an entry from my mothers journal.....

"You'd have loved Undyne, dear Aliza..... She was the strongest, most determined warrior I had ever seen... So strong I couldn't even muster enough determination to spare her... I had to flee and let her get tired of chasing me.... but deep down... Under her tough guy act... She has a sense of nobility to her.... To honor the King.... To teach Papyrus.... To love Alphys..... She's a one of a kind warrior.... One I looked up too during my time underground........ But.... Ever since the Hunger... Something inside her snapped.... With every second she grew hungrier... She grew more angry... Less of the great woman I remembered.... Tensions were high between her and Sans.... That left me in the center of a lot of their arguments.... But... Despite all of that.... I truly hope some day.... You'll see the real her......... Aliza...."

As that entry echoed in my mind.... I snapped back to the moment I was in... Undyne stay there... Slurping up her own blood from her gushing wound.... I could run off..... I could continue onward..... But I caught my eye of something... Undyne had a cloth hanging around her waist... Tied there seeming.... It was remnants of what appeared to be a lab coat.... I know of only one monster who wore a lab coat..........

I knew I should run.... But..... I couldn't..... I needed to help her..... "Undyne...... Frisk..... She talked a lot about you..." I whispered gently, Undynes head darted... still softly chuckling and almost entirely silent..... "...... She looked up to you Undyne.... Your angst.... Your heroism.... Your sense of justice........." I said, slowly approaching her, I saw Undynes hand clench her spear... "Back......" she said coldly, I nodded and backed away... "F-Frisk...." she mumbled, grabbing at her head... "F-Frisk......." she grumbled, trying to remember someone whom... She had long forgotten about in all these years... Unlike Sans or Papyrus... Undyne didn't live in a self-made delusion... She had to embrace the harsh reality of this world... Become an Apex Predator and massacre monsters for food.... She was a shell of whom she used to be...... But.... I was reaching through what this world had made her.... "Frisk.... My mother...." I said softly.... "You were one of her closest friends..." I said quietly.....

"M-Made us.... Hungry....... D-Damned us..." she said softly, still having a slight snarl to her voice... "F-Flowey did... Right?...." I asked softly, ".... Flower....." Undyne said softly, "....... Damn us all...." She said.... ".... Liza...." she mumbled a name, very similar to mine, like she was trying to learn to speak again... "Aliza.... Thats me..... I'm here to help you..." I held my hand out, to grab Undynes hand, Before Undyne grabbed my hand, the snarl becoming a growl before pulling me close, "A-AGH! W-WAIT-WAIT UNDYNE!" I shouted out, as Undynes Jaw unhinged, looking like she'd chomp down on my face, "U-Undyne! U-Undyne! T-THINK OF ALPHYS! ALPHYS! ALPHYS LOVES YOU! WHAT WOULD SHE THINK OF THIS?!" I shouted before Undynes eyes widened, stopping as my face was right to her mouth, her teeth to eye level with me, as I feared she'd chomp down on the top half of my head.... I heard her murmur the word..... "Alphys...." Before bone flew and stabbed into one of Undynes ears, Grunting in pain as the bone didn't pierce into her brain, but looked to have ruptured one of her eardrums "G-GRHHAH!" she shouted, blood spurting out for a moment as she unhanded me...

I saw a bloodied Sans, his jacket torn up, and his eye flashing orange and blue as he held his hand out, stepping out of the shadow, "K-Kid-...." He mustered out, I scampered behind my father, scampering behind him and hugging him from behind in fear... "S-Sans... S-Sans!" tears continued streaming down my face, as Undyne growled in pain, trying to tear the bone out but... But it was lodged in too deep... I heard her snarls turn to whimpers in agony... As her hearing was all thrown off... She fell over, I couldn't tell if she was dead... But she wasn't turning to dust... .... "I-I.... I saw her..... I s-saw what used to be her..... U-Undyne..." "..... That ain't her, kid..... This is.... I..... I don't know what this is...." Sans said softly, breathing heavily.... "This is a nightmare..." he said, Undyne tore the bone out, "H-Hello?!... L-Liza?!... L-Liza...." she asked for my name, I was about to speak up, but Sans covered my mouth...... Glancing at me..... 

I thought about it for a moment... Her hearing... Was damaged.... She couldn't hunt us as earily anymore... "L-Liza I'm sorry!.... P-Please.... S-So hungry!..." Undyne begged.... I looked down with pity, looking at my bloody axe.... Blood spilling from Undynes cheek and ear... She had quite strong determination to withstand such injuries.......... Sans grabbed my hand.... Leading me onwards... As we left Undyne... Scampering around... Blood pouring from her face... She tried covering the wounds..... I prayed she would withstand the injuries.... Patch herself up.... But.... I couldn't think about it much more.... I had to press on.... 

I looked over at Sans, his orange eye appearing every now and then... He was covered in blood and cat fur.... He survived the Horde... And still came to my rescue... Despite what he's becoming... Despite everything that he's been through... He still cares about me..... I'm not even his real daughter..... Yet.... He treats me like I am........ I have to keep going... If not for the monsters and the cure to this all.... I have to keep going for my father..... For Sans....

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