The Lost Town

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My eyes opened up, to the sound of a fire, sizzling, and a nice soft couch on my back... I sat up, inside of an unfamiliar house... My surroundings were welcoming though... A former TV Stand seemed to be missing from this room, with a makeshift fireplace... A set of stairs on the left side of the room, leading to two separate bedrooms... And on the right, a small kitchen, that reeked of spaghetti sauce... I stood up and walked to the table of the room, the table held my backpack and a note beside it.

"Papyrus and I are still out kid, you were brave today... But you still need to get braver... Those wolves would've killed you if we weren't there... I'm no good at being a father-figure, but take my advice... In this world, it's kill or be killed... But... I don't want you to be a killer... So there's always option 3... Run away... Run away from anyone that can hurt you kid... But... If you cant outrun them... Then well... From that point... It's your choice...... Anyways... I've put some goodies in your backpack... Take Care" - Sans (AND PAPYRUS TOO!), The Papyrus Part seemed to have completely different handwriting than San's

I sighed and opened my backpack up, there was a picture, I grabbed it... It was a picture of my mom standing with her partner... I had never seen this picture of Mom... It seemed to be... A makeshift Wedding Photo of her and Sans... I assume the hunger broke out before they could arrange the wedding.... What could have been?

I put the photo in the bag, and grabbed a handle of an odd object that was in my bag... It was a small axe... More like a hatchet, but still... On the side of the axe there was a note...

"In Case you Need it" - Sans

I knew what he meant by that, I kept the Axe, and besides that, there was nothing of interest in my backpack... I sighed and looked at the fire in the fire place, it was beginning to die out... I put my backpack on and held my new axe in my hand... As I opened the door, returning out into the outside world..

I walked around the empty town, this area was less unbearable and snowstorm infested than the outside of this town... I walked around with ease, not freezing to death at all, I chuckled to myself in relief and looked around. I then took my Mothers Journal Out, finally getting a chance to read another passage

"Aliza, Snowdin was once a lovely place... I spent many of my time underground there, the quaint, peaceful town of Snowdin is always a safe haven for you to go too..."

"However... I know not if it still is, since the Hunger broke out... I know for certain, you can always look to Sans and Papyrus to guide you, and help you through any troubles you may have"

"I love you Dear Aliza... If you have went Underground... And made it this far... Just know I am always proud of you... And of what you have done, no matter what path you take in life-"

I was continuing to read, before I heard the voices of the two skeleton brothers approach the town, I slowly put the journal up, "Sans?! Is that Frisk? Why aren't they inside like you said they'd be-" "Bro, We've been gone awhile... Maybe she just got bored of our house... It's no biggie" Sans and Papyrus chattered as they walked towards me, Sans had blood on his jacket... I wondered if it was from those wolves...

Papyrus was the first to come up to me, "Frisk! I'm so sorry I haven't gotten the chance to amaze your mind with my puzzles! But fret not, I have one puzzle in store for you, it'll be right by the entrance to Waterfall!" Papyrus yelled heroically, Sans chuckled softly, "Heh- Be careful Paps... Remember our rules?" "Yeah-Yeah... No going out of Snowdin until you give the say-so-" Papyrus seemed disappointed, "Good..." Sans then glanced at me; "... You and Papyrus go have some fun Kid... I'll meet up with you at WaterFall... Behave yourself Papyrus" Sans said as he walked off. Before I could say goodbye, Papyrus grabbed my hand. "Yippee! Come on Frisk!" He dragged me along, I chuckled a bit, following along with Papyrus' game.

"Well Frisk, how have you liked your return to Snowdin so far?" Papyrus asked as we walked through Snowdin town, "... If I'm being honest Papyrus, it's been... Relieving, to meet some friendly faces" I said as I put my hands on my backpack straps. "Nyeh- Of course we're friendly faces, you've met us before!" Papyrus said as he then stopped in his tracks, standing in front of me. "Now! It's time for my one puzzle for you! I know what you plan to do, you wish to free us monsters from the Underground by breaking the barrier... Since it's been so long since you've been here Frisk... I shall give you, some official Trivia!" Papyrus yelled out, excitedly as he pointed his finger at me, "Alright Papyrus... Lay it on me" I said as I moved my hands into my jacket pockets

"Question one! What is the Kings name?!" he asked me... I read mothers journal all the time, I was quite aware of the answer, "King Asgore... Dreemur?" I said, looking at him. "Correct! That's one complete!... Question two! What is my favorite food?" "... Spaghetti?... You like to talk about it a lot-" As I said that, Papyrus snapped his fingers, "Wrong! I like all Pasta!... But spaghetti is just my favorite to cook.... Question three, the final question! Who is the head of the Royal Guard?!" "... Undyne?" I asked, Papyrus then clapped happily. "Congratulations! You got two out of three right! That's a passing grade.. I think... Nyeheheh, speaking of Undyne... I wonder where she's at these days... I haven't seen her since.... Since...." Papyrus seemed to drift his view away from me, I perked up, remembering what Sans said, "Papyrus, you saw her when I left the underground right?" I asked, unsure if I made the right call, still pretending to be Frisk...

Papyrus just looked at me... "Yeah... After you left... Undyne got mad... She... She wanted to hurt Sans..." Papyrus said sadly, I went up to him before stepping back in fear, noticing Papyrus eyes both turn a hazy, threatening orange... "She was starving... Everyone... W-Was starving..." Papyrus spoke in a different tone, I could see the bloodlust in his eyes... I messed up... "Papyrus; please- Calm down..." I said, I didn't want to fight him, I backed away, but I took the axe out that Sans had given me to defend myself with... "... I-I'm Starving too!" Papyrus shouted, "Help me Frisk! Please!" he shouted as he summoned a bunch of bone attacks too his side... I shook in fear... I didn't know what to do... The one thing Sans told me not to let happen... I did it... 

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