Puzzles and Puppies

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"Sans! Help me finish making this puzzle! I have to make a hard one since Frisk has finally returned!" "Papyrus- What're you gonna make a puzzle with? Sticks, Snow, and a moldy Hot-Dog?" "Sans! I'm trying my best here!" I overheard the two brothers talking in the distance, not questioning how Sans got there since he obviously went in the opposite direction prior. I approached them, Papyrus looked up quickly. "Oh my God! Sans! It's Frisk!- Quick, distract her with your laziness while I make a puzzle!-" Papyrus said as he stood up, grabbing a piece of paper, "Toil with this, Frisk, while I prepare the ultimate puzzle" Papyrus said as he handed me a Crossword Puzzle, I couldn't even make out any of the letters on it, and before I could respond, Papyrus had ran off.

Sans looked over at me, "... I haven't seen Paps this eager in awhile... Good job Kid-" Sans said as I looked at him, "It's no problem.... Mom wrote about Papyrus... She said he was the nicest monster she ever met..." I said, Sans chuckled a bit, "Yeah- Papy has a soul of Gold..." He noticed the Gold locket on my neck, Sans took a gold locket out of his own pocket, "That's Frisks locket ain't it?... Heh... She made me one long ago... So we could match..." He said, he stared at the locket awhile, memories flooding back to him, I could feel the sorrow in his facial expressions. "... Sans? Are you alright?" I asked, since the awkward silence became deafening, Sans jumped up in surprise, his trance broken. "Yeah... Yeah Kid... Go on up ahead... You can't spend your time talking to little ol' me... You have a mission don't ya?... We can catch up soon enough-" he said, I nodded respectfully to him, as I walked off deeper into Snowdin

As I ventured, I barely noticed any creatures... Anyone at all, it was so unbearably cold, that no creature would be out here. I shuddered and zipped my jacket up tighter, wanting to feel any sort of warmth. I wanted to write another section in mothers journal, but my hands were too shaken. I sighed and ended up walking past a couple of empty dog houses... Seemingly at one time, dogs probably occupied these houses, but not anymore... Not since the hunger

I continued, I stumbled a bit and fell into the snow, shivering... I could feel my body go numb... What was happening?... The cold, finally taking its grip on me... I took one of my gloves off to see if my hand was alright, my hand was aching in pain ever since I entered Snowdin... It's not like I had anything else to do since I was dying of Frostbite...

"What the Hell?!" I must've been seeing things, I stared at my hand awhile, half of my hand was skeletal... No blood... No wounds on it.. It was just... Bones... I had to be seeing things... Hypothermia or whatever... I attempted to stand up before a sudden growl of a wolf filled my ears... The foggy snowstorm that covered Snowdin cleared up... And right in front of me... Was a sight I would never forget

Five Wolf Monsters stood in front of me... Drool trailing down their mouths... One Wolf was smaller, it's neck elongated and misformed... Another was giant and hulking, the armor it wore was torn... A duo of wolves were together, both equally threatening, holding axes... And finally the last wolf was distracted, feasting upon the corpse of a nearly Dead Rabbit Monster, they had seemingly tied the rabbit monster to a tree; and used him as a food source... Tearing into him, eating the pieces they could, but keeping him alive to heal his wounds, then to feast into him all over again... The Blue Monsters lifeless face, forever stuck in a scream, revealed that these wolves, were looking for a new food source

I slowly put my glove back on, shivering and standing up... "Hey... Hey..." I backed away, showing my mercy... "I know... T-This isn't you... This is The Hunger..." I said, vomiting in my mouth a bit whenever I glared at the poor rabbit monster... The wolves didn't listen to my pleas... Snarling... "P-Please..." I said, helplessly, before one of the wolves lunged at me... Suddenly a bone pierced the Wolfs neck, stabbing the wolf into a tree. The wolf struggled but then inevitably died...

"Leave the kid alone-" Sans revealed himself, his eye glowing blue, Papyrus at his side, "Yeah, You Stupid Dogs! Shoo! You won't ruin my special attack again!-" once they both sent some bone attacks, the wolves scampered off in fear. I looked up at them both, seeking safety in them. Sans looked at The Poor Rabbit Creature with Pity, cutting the binds off of his body, and laying it in the snow... Papyrus, went to bed me up, holding his hand out, I grabbed onto his hand, standing up. Papyrus' face gleamed with happiness, as if he hadn't seen the brutalized Monster just to his right. "Those dumb dogs are quite annoying aren't they Frisk? Remember when they ruined my special attack? Sigh, It seems even so many years later that old dogs can't learn new tricks-" Papyrus said, I nodded, "Yeah- Thanks for you assistance, Papyrus-" I said, Papyrus was happy, and looked at Sans, "Sans! I made Frisk happy!" He yelled as Sans looked over the rabbit monster... Barely clinging to life....

Sans sighed and summoned a bone, crouching beside him... Realizing that he was constantly in suffering, he lifted the sharpened bone and stabbed it into the back of his head, putting him out of his misery..... Sans took the bone out... I couldn't say I blamed him... Putting his suffering to an end... I have faith he did that for a good reason... he walked back over to us, and put on a happy face for Papryus... Trying to act like he didn't have to put down someone he knew of in a previous life...

"Heh- You sure did Paps... I'm proud of ya... You saved the Human" He chuckled, Papyrus glared, "Saved?... SANS I WAS SUPPOSED TO CAPTURE THE HUMAN!" He yelled, Sans giggled, "Heh- Don't worry Paps, Frisk still has to reach the bridge, you can still use your ultimate puzzle there, right?" Sans spoke, Papyrus then nodded, "Of course! Of course! Till next time Frisk! I'll truly impress you!" Papyrus said as he ran off, just as quickly as he saved me. I looked at Sans... The only person in this world who could comprehend just how bad of a state this world truly was in... The frostbite still slowly killing me, I chuckled a bit... "C-Can't feel my legs..." I said, before falling over, barely conscious... "... It's alright Kid..." Sans said as he slowly picked me up, carrying me. "I made a mistake letting you travel through Snowdin on your own... I'm sorry kid-" As he spoke, I dozed off, falling into a long needed sleep...

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