End of the holidays

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Ochako smiled as she finished packing her bag, it was currently five in the afternoon and she was excited because come tomorrow morning she would be returning to UA dorms and seeing all her friends again. Though she would be sad to be away from her parents again she knew that this year she was gonna be amazing and grow into a hero they could be proud of.

"Ochako! Come on you are gonna be leaving tomorrow we want to spend the last night with you!" She heard her mother's sweet voice call out to her as she dragged her bag to the top of the staircase just to be sure she was completely ready for the next day.

"Coming mama!" She grinned as she pulled a jacket on and walked downstairs. Looking at her parents by the door as she slipped on her cute pink sneakers. "So where are we going? You never actually told me... you just said I have to get ready to go out"

"That's a surprise sweetie now come on it's a long walk and we want to talk on the way there" Her fathers' voice caused her to smile. He was a kind man who liked to help those in need despite having his burdens. Probably why she always went out of her way to help others, her parents were a great influence on her.

"So are you sure you want to go back to UA this year honey? After all last year was..." Her mothers' voice trailed, remembering the multiple calls she received that the school and its students had been attacked. Thinking back to the times she had cried in her husbands' arms hoping for their daughters' safety. "You know you've already made us so proud, you don't have to push yourself"

Ochako looked up at her mother and felt her heartache knowing why such a question was being asked. "I am sure, I want to be a hero more than anything and UA is the best hero school in the world! My friends and I defeated villains and we are gonna be amazing heroes someday so I have to keep training!" She reassured them with her bright energetic enthusiasm that never ceased to make them smile, even now despite the sadness in their eyes they had that smile on their faces.

"And what about that boy you kept telling us about last year? Midoriya was it? You made it sound like you were... a lot closer than just friends, is he a part of the reason you want to return?"

Ochakos' bright smile dimmed a little when her friends' name we mentioned, after all, that's what he was; just a friend. "No Papa, Deku is my best friend, I used to have a crush on him because he has an amazing spirit to be a hero but he never noticed me... I am gonna focus on my studies and not worry about boys this year" she explained to her parents, it became obvious as she thought back that she had always gone on about how amazing Deku was to her parents that it was obvious she had a crush on him but now? No more. She couldn't keep waiting, she had dreams and he couldn't be one of them anymore.

Once they reached their destination she lit up. Her favourite restaurant was only small but the servers always made the diners feel welcome and there was a warmth to being here. She could recall all the times she came with her grandparents before their passing. This place held a special place in her heart and one that she someday hoped to share with another. She was so eager to get inside she didn't notice when she ran into someone, letting out a small huff as she fell back into her father who helped keep her upright.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention!" She gave a sheepish smile to the blonde-haired woman in front of her. "I guess I got too excited to get inside I didn't see you going in too!"

The woman turned and gave a kind smile. "Oh it's okay I wasn't paying attention either I was checking my phone to see if my brat of a son was here yet or not... oh wait, I've seen you before... you go to UA with my son!"

Ochako curiously looked at the woman, taking in her features properly this time. The sharply pointed blonde hair, crimson eyes that looked soft but she had a feeling could stare daggers into her. How had she not realised sooner? "Mrs Bakugo? Oh yes, I'm Ochako Uraraka! I'm in the same class as Bakugo!"

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