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Winter POV

I stare at Jaemin who eating beside me while reading a note. Well, he is a top student, "Jaemin..." he looks at me, "...why do you accept me?" I lean on my fist as he tilts his head,

"That question again," he holds my hand, wrapping my hand tightly. He cups my hand, making me flustered. I don't know what he sees about me. I confess at first, but I thought he will reject me. He is the school heartthrob everyone wants to have a dream to date him. I got the chances and I feel he is just better with someone else, who is pretty and smart like him,

"What do you like about me?"

"Everything...everything about you," he still didn't let go of my hand, "I love you so please don't leave me," I just smile at him. I don't expect that he will say I love you. I thought we didn't at that pace yet. We just date for 4 months and this is my first relationship, so all of this is new to me.

Karina and Jeno enter the cafeteria, "Karina!" I let my hand up to let her see me, "here," they sit in front of us as my eyes are on Karina's dress, "you look beautiful,"

"Why are you wearing like this?" Jaemin looks weirdly at Karina, "I have never seen you in a dress since I know you," Karina and Jaemin are childhood friends. They sit in this town the longest, while I and Jeno is a childhood friend. We met in middle school and our parents were good friends. When my parents died, Jeno's parents help me a lot and they take care of me, "you always wear pants and since we become high school you started to wear a skirt because your mom begs you," Karina glares at Jaemin with her sharp eyes,

"Are you done exposing me," she whispers as Jaemin nods teasingly, "what do you like about Jaemin?" I look down, thinking of the question,

"You don't know how much Winter likes you. She likes you so much," Jeno speaks as I trip his leg under the table, "ouch," he groans in pain, caressing his leg, "it's hurt,"

"You like me that much," Jaemin raises his eyebrow teasingly,

"Karina, we should go...right," I give her a sign to help me, "see you later," I cup his cheeks, packing up my bag, "bye,"

I follow Karina from behind like a child, "still doubt it?" she speaks when we arrive at the locker,



"What about Jaemin?" Karina closes the locker dramatically, looking at me. I know what the look means.

"Open up to him," I gulp, feeling nervous every time she talks about it. I want to tell Jaemin. I want to open up to him. I want to tell him about my past. I want to tell him what I going through, "tell him about your story...your past," I sigh and close my locker, "what if he knows from someone else,"

"You and Jeno is the only one who knows about this. He won't know," Karina takes my hand, pulling me to the empty classes, "why?" she lets go of my hand,

"Winter, did you tell me voluntarily? I know because of your mom...your mom was the one that tell me, not you. I need you to be honest with me, let me know. I'm your best friend,"

"it's about the past,"

"The past that tortured you. You almost died for a dozen time and what if I lose you," the bell rang as I hear Karina sighs, "see you in class,"

"Karina," she turns around, not looking at me, "I'm sorry, but what about you?" I take a step forward, "I know nothing about know about me show what a friend to me,"

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