Coach Eunseo // Eunbo

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TW: G!P Eunseo, blowjob, gagging, choke kink, spank..

Bona ruled Seoul High. It was just a simple fact. The hallways, classrooms and fencing gym were her kingdom. The students and teachers were her loyal subjects, and she was the queen. Bona had it all.

Brains- she was on track to be class valedictorian when she graduated in a few short months. Brawn- she was captain of the fencing club and a gold medalist. And yeah of course, beauty. At 18 years old, Bona already looked like a full-grown woman. She had gorgeous dark brown hair and brown eyes that gave her an innocent, angel-like quality. Her skin was pale and white. Her legs were long and toned from all the athletics she did. Not to mention, Bona had impressive C-cup breasts and curvy hips to complete her perfect body.

Everyone wanted to be friends with Bona. Every guy in school along with a handful of girls wanted to fuck her. But, she wasn't down for random hookups. Bona was no slut, but she wasn't a prude either.

During her years at Seoul High, 18-year-old Bona had her fair share of boyfriends. She'd slept with two of them. And now, in the spring of her senior year, she found herself single. No need to get tied down before leaving for college in the fall.

But despite her no hookups rule, Bona found herself needing to blow off some steam. She'd worked so hard and been so busy in her final year of high school, she just needed one good fuck to help all the stress melt away.

Bona knew she could have any boy she wanted in Seoul High, but she just couldn't pull the trigger on any of them. She was restless and horny and wanted someone different- she wanted a challenge. Bona wanted to work for her fuck. It would make it all the more satisfying.

So that's when she set her sights on the fencing coach, Son Eunseo.

She was perfect for what she needed. Bona was eighteen now and she was ready to ride a real big dick. And Eunseo was quite the one.

She had a crush on her for her entire time at Seoul High, a lot of the girls did. Every single day during fencing practice, Bona found herself giving a glimpse at Eunseo.

Eunseo was tall, and Bona could tell Eunseo had muscles hidden beneath her jacket. She was probably about 24 years old, but she looked distinguished and rugged and sexy. She had thick, dark hair and mesmerizing brown eyes. Eunseo was commanding in the fencing gym but always friendly after the games.

Bona was positive she'd caught Eunseo checking her out a few times, eyes glued to her legs whenever she was wearing her short pants. So one day after practice, she wandered into Eunseo's office to see if she could finally make this happen.

It was off-season, so no fencing players would be needing Eunseo, and it was just late enough that the majority of the other coaches had gone home for the day.

"Hey, Coach," Bona said as she knocked on her open office door. "Got a minute?" Eunseo looked up from her computer.

"Sure, Bona. What's up?" Bona flounced into the office and shut the door, taking a seat across Eunseo's desk.

"Oh," she said, looking a little uncomfortable. "Could you actually leave that open? When teachers meet with students one-on-one, the door can't be closed." Bona frowned at Eunseo.

"It's just...I kind of had to talk to you about something private." Coach Eunseo's gaze went back to the closed door, but she relented.

"Is everything okay?"

"Not really," Bona said with a sigh. "I'm having a problem that only you can help with." Bona got up and moved closer to Eunseo's desk, perching herself on the edge. Eunseo looked startled and rolled her chair back a few feet.

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