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      Yu yan, the princess of China was forced to leave her kingdom when she was 9 years old. There was an attack in the castle. As the future choosen for the throne she had to be kept safe.

     She was send to two, bakers of France without knowing them. Although they took care of her. She was still unsure of the change. She made friends in Paris and gained people's favor. The most thing that hurt her was that, she had to keep a disguise.

    A clumsy girl, who shutters and blushes all the time. It was uncomfortable to not be herself. But she did get the relief when she trained. Trained to be much stronger for her subjects in her china to protect them. She trained very hard.

Cutting hair short in China is a disgrace to elders. So she had to wear a wig all the time. She walked around with the fear that someone might know the truth.

When she was around 13 she was choosen to be the protector of Paris, with chat nior. She got tikki, the first person she thought she would open up too. When she started high school, she was paired with a boy, Adrien Agreste the hot model of Paris. Incredibly obvious.

    She did get a little crush on him, not because she liked him, because he looked like 'him'.

She missed 'him' dearly.

  Paris was in danger because of hawkmoth. People was afraid to go out of there houses, so she had to fight for them, chat nior was a big help.

Chat noir was flirty, but he was a great partner, he was a little mature when she was at a bad mood or if her training wasn't going well.

She never told him, about her being princess, in school also she had to pretend to have a crush, she had a little crush on him, though. But she cant forget 'him'. 'He' is waiting for her in China. She know he is or he must be in London.

    London isn't very far from Paris, but she still can't make connection there. He still doesn't know where she is.

   When she was 15 starting 10th. A new student in rolled in school, her class specifically. "Lila Rossi". That was the day, when her trip to hell was started.

  As a princess, she is trained of many things not only physical. She saw her lie and when she called her out, that was lila's card to take her down.

     Yu yan was called a liar, manipulator, slut, whore, bitch and other things.

   One thing she accepted, she was a liar. A big one, the whole her in Paris is a lie. It was just that, she liked all her friends in Paris and she wanted to protect them from this evil.

No one believed her, and that was the moment when she was reminded of the time when she was insecure of trusting people. It hurt her to see her friends not believe her, she thought she could trust them, just a little. But now it was broken.

As day passed , she was picked, bullied or beaten.
She was pranked and cursed by all the students in school.

Tom and sabine, knew nothing about it. It was her fault she didn't tell them. They were ordered to only take care of her, by her mother and father.

She was not allowed to talk to any of her family in China, or she might give her location. It was hard for her.

It's not like she doesn't know how to defend her self. Actually if she defend her self the bullies won't have proper faces to show. But she was not allowed to, she had to endure it all. She had to keep her disguise.

Days went by and she was beaten worse and worse. One year and a half year passed when it stopped. She was going to be 17,the students in college were bored of her. Not fighting back but it didn't stop there mouths, she was harassed everywhere and everyday.

She didn't fight back.

Now she was just ignored by her classmates, as if she is invisible. In high school when the beating started, she was depressed. But now she doesn't feel any emotions at all. Now there is no one that can break her poker face. Some times it made her proud, when she looked at her poker face in the mirror , it reminded her of 'him'. And this thought made her smile, it was very few to see her smile. Only tikki and fake smiles to her care takers.


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